FW16 Batch 5 Guild

“Anyways… that’s how I lost my medical license.”


The tracking predicts a delivery on Monday. Still hoping that their prediction is a little pessimistic, but realistically I should expect Monday.

Will report back when there’s news.

“Archimedes NO! it’s filthy in there”


How long did it take for a predicted delivery to show up on your tracking? The latest FedEx is showing for me is “On the way” from Ta Yuan District, Taiwan, as of…a bit more than six and a half hours ago.

Looking back at the tracking info for mine, it was picked up be FedEx in Taiwan on March 15, but there was no estimated delivery date until it was “on the way” on March 16 (where it gave the estimated delivery of March 20, but actually arrived two days earlier).
The travel from Taiwan to their hub in Alaska took about 9 hours.

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Interesting. Thanks for the insight! Here’s hoping the message I’m seeing is the departure from Taiwan.

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The error notification on the transaction had been waiting for me in my spam since 6 p.m. 18… Finally could pay now :sob:
Don’t forget to check your spam folder :sunglasses:.

Now waiting for next step :clock3:

:grimacing: :man_facepalming:

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Oh shit…! Glad you caught it though!


If our laptops are in the same shipment, they just made it to Anchorage!

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Mine was on that plane.

I’m just imagining a couple ULDs (Unit Load Devices, Seen here)

just packed to the brim with Frameworks that get transferred and split from one plane to the next (most likely Memphis for most of them, possibly Paris for the European bound ones)


Here’s to hoping they’re in Memphis and onto destination cities tomorrow for a Friday delivery.


mine is on that same plane


Well, watch for flight FX5312 ANC to MEM, scheduled departure 22:54 local (about three and a half hours from the time of this message), but per FlightRadar24 now estimated 00:01.

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@Bpendragon tagging you as well, assuming yours didn’t make the departures at 14:55 or 16:00 local.

Also, likely through YVR (Vancouver) or YYZ (Toronto) for Canadians. Maybe YUL (Montréal) for Québecois.

I’m a Canadian on the West Coast of BC. Mine went to ANCHORAGE, AK, then on to MEMPHIS, TN, and has now spent the day at Customs in WINNIPEG, MB, here in Canada. Still a long way from home.

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Mine was actually on FDX22 PANC->KIND (Indianapolis).

If I’m lucky it’ll hop onto FDX1717 and if the stars really align I might get it a day earlier than expected.

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Mine is in a town half a hour away from me, so I guess the estimation of delivery tomorrow starts to seem real now.


Apparently mine will be delivered one day earlier than expected (ie. today) :crazy_face:


Same here! A pleasant surprise.