FW16 Batch 6 Guild

Away this week wishing it arrived already, but its still got 3 weeks to ship and still be on time :crossed_fingers:
I’m reckoning we will get our prep emails next week

I’ve read on the forum that you can ask support to delay your order if needed. It might work for you as well if we’re getting close to april.

Next week? Batch 5 still hasnt gotten theirs, but i guess if they get theirs this week we could get ours next

Fingers crossed. takemymoney.jpg

I am fighting between dying with anticipation and trying not to get my hopes up for it too soon, but im really tired of using wsl for my linux needs, im glad wsl exists, but it also kinda sucks

Sad :smiling_face_with_tear:


Mine says the same. It’ll still be early April though if it is that late so not a massive wait.

Mildly surprising they didn’t do the update when they started batch 1 in Q1, I had just assumed it wasn’t a thing they could update haha

Maybe a bit cheeky that they didn’t issue an e-mail about the order change but again not that much of an issue as I’ve been staring it down

Given how fast they were going through previous batches, I thought it could be shipped by the end of March, but I guess/hope it will be first week of April :crossed_fingers:

Yeah, that estimate is probably practical, but I’m still hoping (with no information or any reason to be so unreasonably optimistic) that we may see 1 batch/week now that batch 4 is moving quickly.

OK, since I wrote this we got the 8th update, and I now have some reason to think I’ll get this by the end of the month!


Same thing, not exactly in time for my birthday but close enough :smile:

I preemptively asked for the final modification to my preorder (switch to a blank ISO keyboard and remove one USB-A expansion card) before it’s too late.

Alright, super excited. PLEASE let it come in by March 31, so I can fully go nuts with it over Spring Break or at least take it on my eclipse trip. It’d be great to edit my eclipse videos on it!

I did ask about having it with two keyboards, for those of you asking about Bepo, I also use an unusual layout, and modded a FW13 keyboard to have my Workman layout. Getting clears and then a RGB English later on once they hit the marketplace to try to swap around some keys. Did the same on my FW13.

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March 31 is Easter Sunday, so you probably want it by March 28 … :+1:

Its happening for Batch 5… we could still get done in Q1 :grimacing:

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They did say their goal was to have most of 6 leaving their warehouse by the end of q1, so im hopeful, they have been going quick since then

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OK. Batch 5 folks are getting charged. We are almost there!


I keep refreshing my e-mails like mad :sweat_smile::rofl:

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I’ve never checked my email so regularly in my life. As a side note I can now sympathize with dogs that wait at the door for the postal worker.


It’s happening! Preparing email received!