FW16 Batch 6 Guild

Charge pending!

I was waiting for the notification from the bank app on my phone, but since other people are being charged I opened the app and the charge is there, but just pending. I really don’t know what that even means, there never seems to be any rhyme or reason for it. I made a purchase on Amazon two days ago and that charge is also still pending. Maybe it becomes a full charge when the order is dispatched? :person_shrugging:

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I just got my Batch 6 Prep Email! :tada:

I may be slower than the rest, but I’ll get there in the end. :grin:


Yup same as you, I finally got the mail, mentioning that we’ll be charged on the 28th.

Maybe batches are bigger now and they split into sub-batches.

Batch 7 just got their prep emails

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I also was charged, but first my credit card would decline the charge. I imeadeatly payed via another payment method and my remainig money was successfully transfered to framework. I hope that won’t have any negative consequences.

My Laptop just started shipping and will arrive on the 3. of April.


Got shipping mail 3h ago !!
Lets go, final sprint :heart_eyes:

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Been charged y’all! Happy day!

Totally missed the Prep Email … It went into my “Promotions” folder last week, which I regard as spam, and didn’t check.

The batch is shipping :heart:

Where are you located if you dont mind my asking? I was the first to report having been charged, and I dont have my shipping email yet, but I assume its just as they see charges clear and load them on pallets, so I am not worried yet, just curious what kinda window I should expect on mine, I am in the US, Ohio.

I reported right with you. Also US based (Colorado), and haven’t gotten my ship email yet either. My observation with other batches is the shipping seems about the same as EU but our emails/shippers reporting comes in later, if at all. A few people never had a shipping confirmation, just had the laptop show up… which sounds like FedEx. I’m assuming frameworks shipment confirmation email is triggered by a FedEx api integration. Having been an ERP dev that worked specifically with the FedEx api… it isn’t always reliable.

that tracks with my expectations of fedex in general, thats actually my biggest gripe with frameworks choices, using fedex.

i’m in US (california). got my shipping email 0410 this AM my time (us/pacific)

aftership (looks like framework uses them for shipment tracking) says thursday but i’m hoping friday and mentally preparing for early next week :slight_smile:

update 1800 us/pacific: well they are still showing thursday. and showing arrived at Anchorage earlier. cleared customs. and then departed Anchorage. so maybe will hit this week

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I’ve not had the shipping email either and I’m in the UK. Was charged nearly 24hrs ago now and payment cleared about 7 hours ago

I am in EU, got it at around 10am local time and its FedEx shipping
Currently my new precious is in China :ring:
Due holidays mine estimated arrival is 3rd of april :frowning_face:

I’m from Germany

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Mine is now on its way to the UK!

Maybe prepare to get it sooner. Mine was shipped yesterday and somehow today already arrived in Germany. It is also scheduled to arrive at the 3rd

Mind OTW to Melbourne, Oz ( 3rd April delivery date )

Its still in cologne but i am living in Munich. I doubt it will arrive tomorrow but lets hope

I am monitoring the shipment closely :face_with_monocle: