FW16 Batch 7 Guild

I’m getting really excited now. I’m driving my wife crazy! :rofl:

Welcome to the Framework community Nomad!


I’m getting really excited now that some of Batch 6 has received their emails. We’re next in line.
I’m creating a poll just for fun, you can choose as many options as you want.

How excited are you to get your Framework laptop 16?

  • Excitement meter: off the charts and into orbit! :rocket::milky_way:
  • Super excited! Can’t wait to get my hands on the Framework Laptop 16! :heart_eyes:
  • Trying to contain my excitement, but failing miserably! :smile:
  • Meh, I’m okay with waiting. :neutral_face:
  • Honestly, I’ve forgotten what I even ordered. :thinking:
  • About as excited as watching paint dry. :sleeping:
  • Couldn’t wait any longer, so I caved and bought another laptop. :sweat_smile:
0 voters

no one in batch 6 has reported getting charged yet as far as I have seen, are you sure? cause If so, I am about to be pretty hyped.

Thanks, I corrected my post. I looked at my phone and saw an email that said the card was charged, I scrolled to the top and the user was in batch 5. I apologize, I got excited and totally missed something.

dangit, you got my hopes up, lol, its all good

Hey friends, I’m definitely not a spy from batch 8. Do you uh I mean we think that we’ll get the batch preparation email today? Looking at the graph in the other thread, I think we might.


I dunno, no one in batch 6 has even been charged yet, I would assume that would happen first, but the speculation is that it should happen any time now. That is also my hopes as a batch 6er, not that you guys dont get your email, but that we get charged lol.


Well, Mr. dnoB, my guess is probably by Wednesday. I obviously cannot be certain, but looking at about how long it took for batch 5 to get the prep then charge, and then the time it took from then to batch 6 prep, i’m guessing 6 starts reporting charges around today or tommorow, and our preperation email comes within 48 hours from there.

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I’m very much hoping for a prep email this week. I swear old tech knows when it’s about to be replaced… the charger for my current laptop (a MSFT Surface) has completely stopped working. ^^; I am currently charging it with my Switch’s charger, and I am now even MORE eager for my FW16.

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For me, it was the Wi-Fi card in my laptop that decided to go. Now I’m using a crappy USB wifi dongle where I’m lucky to get more than 5Mb/s down and even less up. It really sucks when I have to upload a model to my Prusa through Octoprint. Even for a simple model it can take several minutes when it used to be done in seconds. Safe to say I am very eager for my FW16 to arrive.


Lol, I agree. The battery is going out in my laptop. I’m hoping that email will come this week.

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I’m only slightly worried as it seems like everything might be aligning for the laptop to arrive right in the middle of the one week when I’ll be away from home. It’s funny how things seem to work out like that.

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That would be torture! I’m sure FedEx will require a signature. I’ll have to tell them to hold the package and I’ll pick it up after work.

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Here’s hoping! If nothing else, here’s hoping that’s an option we can pick during the final prep before the ship.

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One person got charged in batch 6! I’m getting excited.

Edit: Brandon_Walker’s card got charged. I had to go back and check the post.


The hype is real!


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


I JUST GOT MY “We’re prepping batch 7” EMAIL!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I JUST GOT THE EMAIL TOO!!! Prepping Batch 7, let’s go!!!


Woo hoo, they are preparing our batch! :partying_face: