FW16 Batch 7 Guild

Someone mentioned, that the Framework customs for Europe all take place at France, Paris CDG, so all packages for Europeans will enter Europe there.
I tried to ask Framework support to tell Fedex not to route packages of a U.S. company from Taiwan over China due to the geopolitical tensions and they said they tried but Fedex wouldn’t budge.

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Sadly as they aren’t filling planes 100% so they don’t get the power of negotiations and direct plane flights that apple dell hp etc get as most of them have their own dedicated flights to the USA.

But then again most of their stuff was made in china. At work been seeing a lot of made in India iPhones recently. And our last batch of dells were made in Vietnam.

Sadly they are not interested in framework currently as has to have next day on site 4 yr warranty with accidental damage coverage and integrated cellular. to be considered

My laptop freezes during the Ubuntu installation and the Live environment. It is unable to but into Kubuntu. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I feel bad for support. I submitted 4 or 5 tickets for different issues so far.

Batch 7. Got my FW 16 last week. Took about a week from the initial email to get it. It was only in transit about a day.

Slowly setting it up. I’ve got Linux Mint 21.3 with an Edge kernel (the latest that they provide) and things have been going smoothly so far. The laptop is incredibly quiet. Looking forward to getting everything fully set up.

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Refugee here from Batch 16…
Glad to see another Mint user having a successful install!

Batch 7 here! Been really happy with the performance of the laptop so far. Only issue is I’ve been having some overheating problems, and the left fan wont kick in. Anyone else have this issue? I have the graphics module if that helps. Been in contact with support, but so far none of their solutions have fixed the issue.

Any example of the game or program? Or is it more a generic fault on the fan?

I’m having the graphics module as well.

Just the fan. Happens with any intensive program. Unity, Blender, games, etc. Great performance, just gets the cpu to 100 C and doesnt turn the left fan on

Haven’t had time to thoroughly test my hardware. Mostly been installing things and customizing both OS for my work.

I’m going to install the FurMark and let it run for a while.

I was thinking of installing Furmark but was worried when I saw their warnings. I did install Cinebench to exercise the 7700S but it wouldn’t run correctly and never got past the Preparing phase. Any ideas on what could be wrong there?

Outside of Cinebench, Starfield ran pretty well!

Not trying to be a missionary but I’ve been using FurMark on a dozen private notebooks as well as more than a hundred mobile HP workstations (from the good old 8570w/8770w up to ZBook 15/17 G6 and even a few of the current models).

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What are you talking about? I didn’t see any warnings on their website…

Btw, are there any reference benchmark results for Framework Laptop 16 users without dGPUs?
Looking for reference results for Linux as well as Windows benchmarks.

He is probably talking about the warning you get when you start/try to start a GPU stress test in Furmark.

Click Go


For those installing Windows, are you going for W10 or just straight to W11?
I’m thinking of having both but for the time being I’m running W10 exclusively.

I also don’t know what distro of Linux I’d like best for everyday use. I’ve tried some that are generally well-liked but I don’t know how I felt about it.

A few comments:

  1. Windows 10 is not really supported on the FW16, it may work but you may find some difficulties in getting drivers / features to work as expected. True, there have been some folks who did get Win10 working but just be wary of the lack of official support.
  2. Such inquiries will not get you the best coverage and insights from the community if you post in a Guild thread. I suggest that you search for Windows 10 / Win10 and see what others have said OR open a new thread altogether.

All the best with whatever decision you go forward with. IF you do stay with Win10, please post your experience so that others may gain from it.


That’s a personal preference issue. But unless you go for one of the two officially supported distros (Ubuntu and Fedora) as your main, you’d better install one of those two as a fallback in case ever need official support.


  1. I saw that W10 was not officially supported :frowning:. I didn’t see any particular reason why they wouldn’t but that’s okay. I may end up upgrading to W11.
  2. Thanks for the heads up, it was a pretty general question, and if no one answered it would’ve been okay :slight_smile: .

I haven’t done much but download and install the things that I normally have on my laptops but so far I haven’t encountered any issues. The expansion modules work (USB A/C). I have not tried plugging a monitor into my HDMI expansion module. I haven’t tried gaming either but just browsing the web and general use so far it seems like although not officially supported the drivers do work.

I haven’t had them installed on my FW. Just as VMs on my Desktop. I’m probably just going to be rocking Windows for now :slight_smile: .

It’s simple: because Microsoft has dropped the official support for it.

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Oh! I didn’t know that. Quick Google search looks like you’re right although it’s not until Oct 14, 2025.