FW16 Batch 8 Guild

Shipped early this morning, now it’s already in Alaska?! They really put their customers first!

Right on grats! Still waiting on mine but really looking forward to it. I got my RAM and NVME ready.


Not much movement overnight:

Well mine seems to have skipped all the stops in china🥳 and left Anchorage, Alaska. It may make it tomorrow at this rate I hope.

Damn so jelly seeing people in here getting their laptops, haven’t been sent an email with tracking as of yet

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so have mine! I think we’re on the same flight that went out of Taiwan, mine likely is on these flights from Anchorage since it was marked left at 4:14PM, FDX22 to Indianapolis which is marked at 3:50PM is the only closest flight

UK shipping email has dropped!


Just received shipping mail :partying_face: ! (France)

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I got my shipment email!! :partying_face:


Hopefully shipping to UK is just as fast as some of these US chaps have seen…

Ye boi, shipping number was given! Heading my way to Canada now.



I’m fucking crying, why mine still not ships😢
Is there other people sho not shipped yet like me?


Was driving all day yesterday so I couldn’t update, but I got my shipping email with tracking around 3:45am ET on 2024-04-09. Looks like it made it to Alaska from Taiwan same day, but no other updates yesterday. I’m near a pretty big flight hub in the US so I’m guessing I’ll get an update when it lands.

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I was sort of hoping I would get mine a day early (today) as some had. But alas, it only just left Alaska. Most likely will arrive tomorrow.

Me, :frowning: I’m in Aus

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Yup, got my shipped status too!
Arriving Monday - boo! Got this week off as well! Back to work next week so not going to have time until the following weekend, ah well!

Two more days for me. It’s arrived in Nürnberg this morning, scheduled delivery remains stable on tomorrow, but I won’t be home from work until Friday :frowning:

And now it’s arrived! Went to check the tracking update and was somewhat impressed with how far it had moved this morning after just arriving in Alaska yesterday, and about 2 minutes later heard aggressive knocking at my front door. FedEx delivery guy was standing there waiting for me to sign for the package.
Now I just have to find time around all my work obligations to put it together and install a distro :laughing: