FW16 Deep Dive Clarification

I just saw that Framework stated what deep dive articles will be released. I see that they won’t be doing one on the mainboards so I just wanted to get some clarification hopefully from the Framework team as to why that is the case. I don’t know about others but it is a big deal for me that I know what I would be getting before preorders open and the mainboard (CPU, compatible RAM, SSD/RAM slots, etc) is obviously one of the biggest deciding factors. It is also unclear as to whether or not any info regarding the dGPUs will be given (I was thinking maybe in the “connector” or “expansion bays” but I’m not sure). As these are two of the most important parts of this laptop it doesn’t make sense to me that they would be focused on explaining things like the power adapter but not this stuff.

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The Connectors post will probably have a lot of information about the motherboard as its likely about all the IO interfacing with it. Expansion bays will almost certainly announce GPU info.

The Connectors post will probably have a lot of information about the motherboard as its likely about all the IO interfacing with it. Expansion bays will almost certainly announce GPU info.

I understand that but like I said it doesnt make much sense that they would dedicate a blog post to something like the power adapter but not the mainboards or dGPU. “Connectors” doesnt really mean they will say anything about the CPU lineup (they could just say what will be compatible with AMD and what would be with Intel without any specifics). If they were going to give specifics I would think they will do a separate blog post.

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It is surprising that there isn’t a mainboard post like with the 13. Though personally I’m very interested in the power adapter post- wondering if they’re going to use the extended ranges of PD 3.1.

To be fair, I don’t think these will need deep dives, as these specs will likely be posted to the page where you will place your orders when pre-orders begin (as they have in the past) the connectors and expansion bay deep dives will give more information on how those parts will connect and communicate with the other parts of the laptop.