If you haven't ordered yet, what's holding you back?

Yeah I understand, I just only now recognized I missed a joke ^^;

We should probably get back on topic

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No, I mean my reply was a joke in that all of the points I made were completely nonsensical and physically impossible. It was in reply to a comment that following all the suggestions in the forum would result in The Homer - such as a thin & light 17" laptop with a DGPU and a soldering kit to remove LPDDR chips.


2 things:

  1. Battery life!
    From what Iā€™ve read and heard from several sources (reddit, forums, youtube, ā€¦) itā€™s not that good.
    For the i7-1280P I would expect at least 3-4h under heavy load (= 2-3 VMs running + MS Office stuff), but everything Iā€™ve found tells me I could be lucky if I get 3h under heavy load.

  2. If I need new/spare parts ā€¦ ā‚¬ 30,-- for shipping???
    This is really insane, for some parts this would mean 50% of the cost of an order is shipping only ā€¦


Tbf, Framework is still small, I expect as they scale up they will be able to negotiate volume discounts with couriers as Amazon and others do. Those companies eat the cost and Framework canā€™t

I know, but ā‚¬ 30,ā€” still looks a bit high to me. Especially if I look at the extension cards, some are ā‚¬ 10,ā€”, if I only need one more ā€¦
ā‚¬ 10,ā€” to ā‚¬ 15,ā€” would be something I could live with for small parts.
ā‚¬ 30,ā€” for parts like the display or the mainboard is fine, because those parts need a better packaging and they are bigger.

So let me be more specific, ā‚¬ 30,ā€” for shipping small parts is expensive in my mind.


Maybe we should not take cheap shipping for granted. Itā€™s not shipped only across the street. It is shipped from Taiwan.

Either a company can reduce shipping costs by excessive amounts or it just hides the cost in product price.

To be honest I do not understand why so many things must be cheap these days.

With this mindset there wonā€™t be much sustainability. I think the more expensive something is you more value it. The more you value something the more youā€™re eager to repair and care for.


Well, if I donā€™t really really really need it I will not order a part for a few ā‚¬uros and pay three times the amount for shipping.
This is a stopper for me, because it doesnā€™t matter if you pay 40ā‚¬ for a tiny part or 10ā‚¬ plus 30ā‚¬ for shipping. Itā€™s the same, too much for such a small simple electronic part. Then it doesnā€™t really matter how easy it is to repair or swap parts.

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One card module weighs 43grams in the postage wrap.

I feel your pain. I originally pre-ordered the 1260P but got COVID (for the second time :roll_eyes:) and had to cancel. Finally scraped enough cash together to afford the refurbed i5 model. Not what I wanted but at least I have my foot in the door and I can upgrade boards later when I have the cash. Iā€™ll probably just wait for Meteor Lake or Arrow Lake to bring improvements to iGPU. Being a broke student sucks when you have expensive tastes :laughing:


13.5" is too small for me. It would be good to know if bigger displays are on the horizon. I havenā€™t found anything indicating that it is coming.


No touchscreen and 360 hinge, and preferably would also need stylus support. I like taking notes with a stylus and I dont wanna get a tablet. If those were options, it wud be an instant buy.


I was waiting until the FW came to my country but now Iā€™ve had a lot of time to think about it and Iā€™m just gonna hold out until a touchscreen variant arrives. Iā€™ve been trying to get used to not having a TS by using my momā€™s macbook but I keep touching the screen instinctively. Honestly didnā€™t know it was such a deal breaker until I really thought about it.

Also welcome to the community @zoog & @Kunal_Jain! :orange_heart:

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I too was waiting for it to become available in my country. I love the idea and would have bought it even though I prefer 15". I kept my old laptop alive for as long as I could, but the wait has been too long for my old battery.

So I guess Iā€™ll be buying a laptop real soon. It just wonā€™t be a Framework.

Awaiting an off-the-peg unorthodox keyboard module. I would prefer the Atreus but any ortholinear, columnar staggered or other ergonomic design being available commercially would demonstrate any latent demand for alternative formats that might lead to bigger things.


TL,DR: 15" screen

Iā€™m looking to buy a new laptop very soon - but my hand gets squished on small form factors. So I wonā€™t buy the framework until it comes with a bigger screen.

15" is preferable, but I could do 14-16" if that was what was left. 13.5" is just too small.

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Three things hold me back now.

Iā€™d love a ryzen based version as multithreaded performance is more valuable to me day to day for the work I do. A hybrid archetecture would likely decrease my performance. AMD also tends to keep their chips cooler, but thatā€™s not much of a concern for me.

I need at least a 15.6" screen, but 17.3" would be preferrable.

I need a numpad. I practically live off them for my CAD work.

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I am still waiting for PayPal or Klarna as payment methods in Germany.

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Holding me back:
-Non-Glossy Screen
-13/14th gen i7s - I got interested in Framework mid-cycle and want the latest

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Started looking deeper into this after my trusty XPS 13 7390 2-in-1 (4k OLED, 32 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD) left fan failed, and itā€™s somewhat of a struggle to get parts quickly for it. Shipping from China takes forever.

Made me realize all this ā€œsoldered on-boardā€ can be a business risk.

But whatā€™s holding me back

  • I found spare cooling system parts for XPS 13, so itā€™s likely I can fix it.
  • no OLED screen option (touch not necessary, for me) - once you go OLED, you donā€™t go back
  • no ā€œinfinity edgeā€ screen bezel option (even for IPS) - canā€™t look at large bottom bezels anymore
  • Linux suspend power draw issues I still see being actively tracked
  • some reviews say fans have only ā€œoff, or loudā€ mode - scared of getting ā€œloudā€ too often

First time poster, long time lurker becauseā€¦I just donā€™t need a new laptop right now. As soon as I do thoughā€¦

That said, I could be easily convinced if they offer a touch screen. That is the one feature I donā€™t enjoy the privilege of anywhere in my fleet of personal computers. Meanwhile, I refurbish PCā€™s for charity and every time I do a touchscreen laptop I get sooo jealous!

Throw in an AMD APU and Iā€™d even preorder.