If you haven't ordered yet, what's holding you back?

Same as @lkraav, I need some decent OLED display panel that I could buy and install. Either 13" or 16" AMD frame.work with a proper OLED would check the boxes!

I realize it is out of frame.work’s control entirely, but some push for disabling the PSP (AMD’s management engine) or at least verifying its ability to backdoor us would be highly prized - and even a novelty today. Basically all usable CPUs today have a “security through obscurity” designed inner CPU with full access to registers and memory, and who knows if it could be access removely - but perhaps visiting the right website with the right javascript could trigger some invisible hook in your management engine to offer remote access, or similar. Somehow virtually everyone with influence in the CompSec community is defensive of “security via obscurity” when it comes to the management engines we’re not allows to audit, and which operate entirely transparenty from our OSs point-of-view.

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You may delete my post now. I’ve preordered the AMD 13, but after a day of thinking about it, I may cancel in favor of a 16 when the final details come out for that. Either way, I’m in, and I’ll just wait for a touchscreen to get rolled out and swap that in. I’m such a pushover…

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With the latest announcement of the amd-powered offering, as well as the upcoming larger form factor (not to mention the possibility of upgradeable graphics, which is not something I knew I wanted, but now very much would like to have), I’m very much on the edge for jumping in.

The only thing holding me back at this point is a lack of trackpoint (with left-click, scroll, and right-click buttons) option. I’ve used only thinkpad laptops for nearly 2 decades primarily due to their trackpoint (with everything else about them being “good enough”). It is an essential part of my workflow since I frequently switch from keyboard to mouse and back. A touchpad just doesn’t cut it and generally either interferes with typing, or doesn’t work soon enough after typing, or both. Not to mention applications where one is expected to be able to use both at the same time (like many video games where camera angle is adjusted with the mouse while moving around is handled by wasd).

An external mouse could solve some issues, but not all. In the end it’s better than a touchpad, but not as usable as the trackpoint, and would also require additional packing/unpacking when I’m moving around (which I do frequently for work).

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OLED is kind of the only major thing remaining now, though it’d have to be glossy if not at least “semi-gloss” like LG uses on their OLED TVs since traditional matte coating results in elevated black levels on OLED during the day.

I would really like to have a Pluton-less AMD chip, but I think I could at least settle for a CoreBoot-enabled one with Pluton present but disabled. Intel graphics are simply not an option for my use-case at this time.

Also, ECC would be awesome, but it’s not something that would prevent me since the existing systems that a Framework would replace currently do not use ECC either (though that’s mainly due to Intel’s product segmentation).

An AirJet would be super cool as well (pun!) since I’m OCD about fan noise, but I’m so OCD in that department already that I’ve minimal qualms about even running CPUs passively (which works better than you’d expect if you’re only using a couple of cores).


@NM64 I don’t know about Linux Mint/Cinnamon but KDE has an option to have scaling for Xorg applications set by either the system or the application. Do neither of those options work for you?

@GhostLegion It’s difficult to tell from your short post, but it sounds to me like your talking about DPI scaling.

I’m talking about full screen scaling, e.g. when you set your desktop resolution to something that does not match the native resolution of your display, particularly when using a different aspect ratio (e.g. 1024x768 on a 1920x1080 display).

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@NM64 Yep, DPI scaling. My bad.

I’m not entirely sure why people want OLED, having compared Framework’s screen to OLED’s before, the colors on Framework’s screen actually look more vibrant, albeit the blacks are worse in dimly lit areas. Framework, having a high end IPS panel, has an exceptional contrast ratio of 1500:1.
I get “wanting” an OLED panel, but avoiding the Framework laptop due to it not being an option seems like a strange choice considering the quality of the panel!


@Shiroudan For me personally, it is about the possibility of HDR and the pixel-perfect dimming zones. Yes, I want those perfect blacks too. It hasn’t stopped me from buying a laptop but I would :100: jump on that upgrade. Plus the response times of OLED cannot be beat by any IPS or VA panel (TN panels are trash and should just die already, I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise).


@GhostLegion Agree, TN should definitely be a part of the past by now…

@SlashFuture Did you see that LTT video on that 500hz panel? One of the comparisons was a (new!) TN panel. I about lost my mind when I saw it. When IPS screens can do 240hz and OLED has better response times than any conventional panel and can at least do 120hz. Why the hell would I suffer the crappy color, contrast and viewing angles that TN forces me to suffer when I can get most of the benefit of TN with none of the downside? WHO MAKES THAT CHOICE, THEY ANGER ME.


@GhostLegion I didn’t actually, but having used TN screens on cheaper computers in the past, it’s way nicer to have an IPS screen on the Framework… I still have yet to actually look at an OLED screen with my own eyes, so unfortunately I don’t have much to say about them…

What phone do you have? Odds are good it’s OLED. Pretty much all iPhones since the iPhone X have been OLED except for the iPhone XR and 11 and SE. On the Android front, only the cheapest Androids don’t get OLED I think. Samsung A51 and above get OLED I think. All Pixel phones have been OLED I think. Not sure about others.

Once you go OLED, you don’t go backwards if you can help it. This phone had the most gorgeous screen. I had taken a photo of some fall leaves while sitting on a bench looking up at an ice cream shop. That photo looked so stunning I made it my wallpaper. I still miss that phone. If Windows Phone was still getting support, I’d being using it. That platform was so underrated.


@GhostLegion Oh yeah thanks, I forgot about phones, yeah my Pixel 6 does have one…
My eyes honestly can’t tell the difference between this and my IPS…
Oh man do I wish Windows Phones were still around… They really were very good, app support aside…

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@SlashFuture Do you watch HDR content at all? The difference should be immediately noticeable then. If everything is in SDR, then yeah, I can see why the effect would be too subtle to notice. Especially on such a small screen.

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You know what I remember? Resizing apps. That is a feature that neither Android nor iOS has replicated. And the nesting of apps into groups with varying sizes throughout! App support aside it was an amazing platform. Plus had it managed to survive it would have gained the benefits of Xbox and UWP apps. Android and iOS killed it before it had a chance to really shine. And no, I’m not bitter at all, why do you ask?

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@GhostLegion So I’m weird, people talk about 4K and OLED differences they notice: I can maybe barely tell the difference, but it’s not as night and day for me as other people…

Oh man, yeah Xbox Support and UWPs? That would’ve been amazing… I never really used the resizing part unfortunately… But yeah, multi-windows on a phone? Amazing…
Yep, totally not bitter… Not at all…
…now this makes me want to go dig my old windows phone out…


I can’t :sob: it shattered in a car door on a trip and wasn’t able to be repaired. So I lost that photo and everything on that phone. I replaced it with a Nexus 6p but it wasn’t the same. I still have the remains in a little box in my closet…

The resizing was game-changing for me. None of this nonsense we have now. I had all my games in one Group as many probably do but I had my most commonly played games sized bigger so they were easier to tap. AND LIVE TILES OMG. I just remembered the Live Tiles! I could cry… I really do miss that phone…the size was perfect too…5.5in is tiny today. The best I can manage is an iPhone mini and they just killed that line so no more mini phones…

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@GhostLegion Ouch, sorry about that! That sucks :frowning:
Oh man yeah, the Live Tiles! Nothing compares to that now…
Yeah I hear what you mean about the small phones, yeah I think the 13 mini was the last one unfortunately…

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Now that the keyboard and touchpad will be easily removable modules on the upcoming Framework 16, if Framework doesn’t do a trackpoint, someone else will. I bet someone will drop-in an actual Thinkpad keyboard with trackpoint.