Is there a keyboard shortcut to wake from sleep?

on my previous (Lenovo) computer i found i could hit the left function key to wake the machine if it went to sleep while the lid was open.

Is there a similar shortcut on framework? I remember reading that the whole keyboard probably gets disabled when the laptop sleeps but im curious if anyone knows more about this than me. is the power button used as this button?

oh good point. i should clarify that i am using Kubuntu 22.04. it seems like this is OS dependent so i’ll look at what it is for my OS. Thanks!

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havent exhaustively tested all these buttons but so far it seems like the space bar doesnt work but the power button does.

Kubuntu 22.04, so seems like it might be a KDE specific thing

just tried mashing a bunch of different stuff. also tried capslock to see if the light came on and it didnt, so i suspect that the keyboard isn’t enabled/powered when my laptop is suspended. not sure if that’s normal or not