Is there an history on Expansion Card Functionality on Framework Laptop 13?

Hi guys,

I was unknowingly using the only port on my computer that couldn’t do display output.
While going back to the page about Expansion Card Functionality on Framework Laptop 13, I’ve noticed that every ports can be use for charging. But when I bought my laptop I’m pretty sure only the two upper ones could be used for charging.

Anyway, I’m just wondering if there is an history or a trace of Expansion Card Functionality updates on the laptop ?

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They all could be used for charging, that hasn’t changed over time.

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You may be right. I probably misread something that has confused me all this time.

Probably the FW16. 4 ports mirror the functionality of the FW13 7040 AMD board, the 2 additional ones support seemingly only the bare minimums for USB3 10Gbps ports.

And no, such information is not centralized, you’d have to read through all the separate posts of all the different variants and Framework really does not give very detailed specs with those anyway and mostly acts like the expansion cards “make” the ports and determine functionality (but different for each board) instead of just specifying what the mainboards can do and which expansion card can pass through which functionality.

Overall: the FW13 boards all aim at full functionality across all 4 ports. Some are basically just limited by the CPUs IO capabilities. Like the 7040 series not having enough USB4 ports or DP-capable outputs. The new board for example was said to support DP output across all ports, only USB4 remains limited to max. 2 ports due to the AMD CPU design.

The Wayback Machine aka Web Archive .org

Wayback Machine

28 captures from 19 Sep 2023 to 2 Mar 2025.
Here is 19 Sep 2023.

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FW have updated those “expansion card functionallity” pages over time.
Note the addition of power limited features of the ports.
It is the power limits that often result in problems with some usb devices.
I have found the USB 4 ports to be more reliable.

You rock. Thanks! :folded_hands:

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I remember when the Framework first came out, there was some discussion about the power delivery capabilities of the different ports. I think initially, only the top two were officially recommended for charging, but it seems like they’ve updated things since then.

I’m not sure if there’s a specific changelog for expansion card functionality.

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