April 6, 2022, 6:08pm
You’re correct, the keycaps aren’t designed to be removed. However a handful of people have had success with it, so it should be possible with some care.
Proceed at your own risk
Having worked on many laptop keyboards over the years, I was interested in how both the keys were attached and how the coating/paint was applied.
If you are used to Macbook Air style switched (Friction captured on one side, slid on the other) then you will know how to work with these.
The paint is layered: Clear plastic > white coat > black coat.
This was wet sanded with 2000, 2500, 3000 wet/dry silicon carbid…
Hah, I was impatient and only tested a 10 sec or so shutdown. I’ll put it as a systemd service & suspend wakeup script (for hibernation resume)
I’ll keep it as is, simply to have the little readability that I do have I timed it, it only takes 1.05 sec to run the commands, and I could shorten it by getting rid of keys that are the same for both layouts. If I were to figure out your EFI driver thing, it could be compressed into a single command to keep it simple for adapting …