Laptop won't power on unless i plug in AC power

Could you elaborate on this? Is this something available through the marketplace?

You just have to request it through support.


Hello all,

Please do not force our hand in locking this thread. We’ve explained, in detail, what options are available for any customers that purchased Framework Laptop 13 (11th Gen Intel Core) or 11th Gen Intel Core mainboards and have an RTC Battery that has been deep-cycled to the point of no longer holding a charge.

  • Contact Framework Support
  • Provide Order Number or email used on order
  • Provide image of mainboard with serial
  • Ask for either replacement RTC Battery or RTC Battery Replacement
  • If RTC Battery Replacement, you acknowledge that you have soldering experience to solder the single wire to the mainboard

If this thread goes off the rails or gets contentious, we will lock it down. This thread remains open for Community help/troubleshooting, but this is not a thread for debating the options available.


I’m having this problem with my Framework Laptop 13 (11th Gen Intel Core). I’ve been considering upgrading my laptop using Framework’s official upgrade kit.

My question is: Will upgrading using the upgrade kit solve this problem for me? Or will I still have to look into one of the options above for the RTC battery replacement?

Follow up question: Is there a specific upgrade path that would fix the problem? (For example upgrade to AMD as opposed to Intel 13th Gen)?

Welcome to the community!

If you upgrade the mainboard, it would solve the problem. An Intel 13th gen or AMD board wouldn’t have the RTC battery issue.