Looking for feedback on homelab conversion of 11th gen framework

Hi Community!

I am planning to convert my 11th-Gen Intel Framework into a homelab PC (running either proxmox or xcp-ng, let me know if you have suggestions there).

My initial two use cases will be:

Of the two, the pfsense hardware requirements are much more involved, and what I’m looking for feedback on here.


I have gigabit internet, and want to build in support for at least 2.5G (to facilitate future upgrades and to support fast LAN for e.g. a future NAS project).

Network Adapter

My plan is to buy an Intel X550-T2.

Question 1: I also considered the newer Intel X710-T2L, but the specs indicate that it is a PCIe 3.0 x8, whereas the X550-T2 is PCIe 3.0 x4. Am I correct that the the 11th-gen Framework is limited to PCIe 3.0 x4, and so my only choice is the X550-T2?

Connecting the Network Adapter to the Mainboard

Question 2: Should I connect the Network Adapter to the Framework via a USB4 port or via the M.2 nvme slot?

My understanding is that the M.2 nvme slot is PCIe 4.0 x4, so that would allow me to fully saturate the X550-T2. Here’s an example adapter. In this scenario, I would use an Expansion Card Storage as the bootable device.

Alternatively, I could use a PCIe to USB4 adapter, something like this although that adapter is more than 10x the cost of the m.2 one. One benefit is that in this scenario I can keep using the m.2 slot for storage and not need to modify the case at all.

Enclosure + Power

As a starting point I am planning to use the Coolermaster case and then make modifications as necessary, but would welcome any advice here.

Question 3: Will I need a separate power supply to power the network adapter? Any advice on how to approach that would be welcome.

Thanks all!

I like the Intel X550-T2 for PCIe 3.0 x4 links, but it might claim ignorance of 2.5gbE and 5gbE speeds, only negotiating connections at 10/100/1000 and 10gbE speeds.

Your example adapter looks good. A riser cable or an adapter to bridge between the M.2 connector and the PCIe x4 connector will need to supply the 12V power that the PCIe connector does, because the M.2 connector only supplies 3.3V with a much lower power limit. Do you have plans for a PicoPSU or full SFX or ATX PSU to drive that SATA power connector?

Have you considered putting X550’s or NVMe storage in Thunderbolt 3 eGPU box and possibly using the external power from, say a Razer X Chroma to drive both the X550 and the Framework Intel 11th Gen board?


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Here’s my write up of my journey doing mostly the same thing you are proposing, but with slightly different peripheral parts:

Let me know if you have questions after reading that…

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If you want to keep simple and power by a single usb type C and work on battery => use 2 usb network card :

If you want an standart PSU for 3.5" hard drive and external PCIe :