Migrating a FW13 to a FW16 possible?

I have a FW13 (11th Gen Intel) that I’ve been using and loving. How much would I realistically be able to migrate into an FW16?

Edited to add: Just the hardware. I’m running Arch and don’t mine arguing with kernel and the files in /etc a little bit.

question is: What do you want to migrate?
OS? if yes, which?
Parts of the Hardware? Depends on architecture and if it actually makes sense.

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Just the SSD and the expansion cards. Possibly the charger, but the one for the 16" has triple the power (or the like). Everything else is different.

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The RAM chips are different so they would not migrate.
Depending on how far you want to go here, the webcam can be migrated, and the FW screw driver! :grinning:

You’d better make a backup to an external disk, just to be on the safe side. If you’re running Linux, it should migrate without issues. For Windows though, you’d better consider a fresh reinstall.

Windows gets mad sometimes when you dramatically change chipsets. Going from Intel to AMD without an OS reinstall might be rough. But as mentioned before the SSD and expansion cards can be reused, the RAM, mainboard, and bits like speakers or antennae would not be usable for a 16".

The screwdriver is still good!