MPN manufacturer part number/SN serial number location

Hello. I need help locating the manufacturer part number and serial number for my laptop. Does anyone know where to find this information?

Here’s a knowledgebase article on where you can find the serial number: Where can I find the serial number for my Framework Laptop?


There are several numbers none of which direct me to the SN. Which specific line is the SN?

I now understand where it is. Thank you for the help. Do you know if there is a MPN for the laptop as well?

There should be a manufacturer part number for each item. It should either be a sticker or etched somewhere on each part but the location differs. There should also be a QR code near it so you might find it near the SN. Curious, why do you need a manufacturer partner number?


I have to register this laptop so I can have corporate work access. Without a MPN I will not be able to register it. I can only enter one MPN and not one for each component.

Think it would be best to reach out to support on advice for this.


will do. thanks for your help

I would use the one for the mainboard. In most environments, the mainboard is considered the computer (including uses like hardware ID for Windows licensing).

With “dmidecode” one is labelled “Asset Tag”.
I would probably go with that one.
There is only one of them filled in.