My Framework 13 laptop has shut down and won't power on again


I own a Framework 13 laptop (13th Gen Intel Core) since the end of last year, and I just had a critical issue with the laptop.

I was working on the laptop and it suddenly shut down with no reason.

When plugged in, I don’t see any color anymore on the status LED and the laptop is not powering on again when using the power button. My laptop is running on Windows 11.

I’ve checked the Touchpad Cable, tried to put it back on and it didn’t change anything.

I would greatly appreciate your support and feedback here, since this is a very critical issue for me.

Did anyone have that kind of issue? If so, how did you solve it?

Thanks in advance :pray:

After opening the lid again to check inside, I could see some smoke from PL502 microchip, which is not a good sign :cry:

Contact Framework Support. You will likely need a mainboard replacement. If you are still in warranty, they will ship you a replacement mainboard for free. Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll need to purchase it yourself.

Unless if you’re a professional, I wouldn’t recommend using that board until you can get a replacement as it is very possible that continuing to use it can damage other components on the board.


Hey Elliot,

Thanks for your feedback. Already done, and I’ve just got an answer from the support, will reply to it.

Just hoping this won’t get too long to get the mainboard replaced.

I’ve just experienced the same issue on a brand new Framework 13 laptop. Suteau did Framework support say they’ll just send you a replacement motherboard? Do you know if that means all the data on the device will be lost?

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I’ve sent pictures to the support team as requested. My ticket has been escalated and I’m waiting for a feedback now.

Concerning the data, yours shouldn’t be lost. On my side, after the issue occurred, I took some precautions by safely unplugging the battery from the mainboard, as well as removing my RAM and SSD.

Did your laptop also shut down with no reason?

Yep. Died abruptly about an hour ago. Still had plenty of battery left. No obvious reason why. I had two small USB-C devices plugged in and charging at the time (Rode wireless mics)

Oh, that sucks man :cry:

Yeah very annoying if i have to wait for them to post out replacement parts cos I’m flying overseas in 1 week and i already gave away my old laptop.
Fingers crossed it’s something simple.


I hope so too. I’ve just got a feedback from the support team, they’re sending me a replacement mainboard. Hope you’ll get the same feedback very soon.

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Does the support team seem to work/respond outside US office hours?

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Yes I do think so, since I’m in France, and got answers this morning in France.
Hope you’ll get a reply soon.
Did you have a feedback telling you that your ticket got escalated?

Just for information, after installing the replacement mainboard, my laptop is now working again.
Hoping this mainboard will last forever :sweat_smile:


I have had a very similar issue, unfortunately i had to buy a replacement as i was 3 weeks out of waranty.