New colors for FW16?

I love my FW16, but I was curious if anyone had any success coloring the bezel / spacers on their own, or if Framework plans on releasing new colors? I’d love to get the green like the FW13 has.

I believe there have been some people who have spray painted their bezels to get the desired color.

As for the green bezel, only time will tell whether Framework decides to release it or not.

I did so, too, but sadly the color rubbed off at the edges after transporting it in my backpack for a while with the lid closed. :frowning:
Still debating with myself on how to prevent this from happening again, before re-applying the color.

Skins seem to be the way to go.
Dbrand etc.

However you may find nail varnish has better adhesion and wear than ‘paint’


Hmm. Can you tell us more? Like is the paint coming off of aluminum parts, plastic, both. What paint you used & your process / prep.

I haven’t seen many who painted or otherwise colored their Framework, perhaps I just not in the right threads. I actually only recall the person who used vinyl wrap.

I did so, too, but sadly the color rubbed off at the edges after transporting it in my backpack for a while with the lid closed. :frowning:

That was my concern. Spray paint just doesn’t seem durable enough for the day-to-day wear and tear laptops go through. Was curious if any one had tried anything else or if any 1st or 3rd party alternate colors were coming

Those look nice, how thick does the varnish have to be applied?

The link is to a vinyl layer, nail varnish ??

If one is going to paint the outside then whatever the protective coating that is on there first has to be removed, then an etch primer applied, then the final colour. If you don’t do all that the paint will come off quite readily.

I just cleaned and colored my bezel with aluminum spray. Afterwards the edges were rubbed off the plastic and the rubbed-off color stuck to the chassis. It was no problem to clean the chassis, just a waste of color.