New firmware 3.07 not abiding charge limit!

The title. I booted into UEFI config right after updating. It still had my charge limit. I noticed in ubuntu it was charging to 100%. I went to config, changed my charge limit by 1%, saved and exited. Still going to 100%. What gives?

Interestingly, my partner’s identical laptop is abiding the charge limit after the update.

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Would it surprise you to learn that framework knew about this bug and decided to mark 3.07 as stable anyway?


It does. I’m confused why it’s happening on some, but not all, AMD FW 13s. Also, can I downgrade to 3.06?

Nope, there are no downgrades from 3.07 (nor was it possible to downgrade from 3.06). Unfortunately, I don’t know why its only impacting some people, so I can’t answer that bit.


The broken charge limit in BIOS 3.07 is a known issue that FW is allegedly working on to resolve.
Relevant threads:

Suggest to “like” the bug report and subscribe to it on GitHub.