NEW Windows "Driver bundle"

Is it me, of have FW just released a new driver bundle for windows?

We have released a new version that fixes an installer issue with 24H2. There are no updated drivers.

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Please make shure to update the driver bundle on the website given in the instructions. I had massive problems getting the driver bundle started until i found this post. The official driver bundle at: Framework Laptop 13 BIOS and Driver Releases (AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series) didnt work at all.

I’m downloading this file from the website tonight and finding an issue. The download has a SHA256: b73cca93087b866a037998fa057f6a45c02f3fba0597c6a5f27e30efb3a5813d

and is 71,717,172 bytes


can you please share any screenshots showing any error messages etc?

Just reproduced on another machine.

I suggest you download the file again.
I just downloaded it, and the sha256 checksum matched the one starting with 55d7…

If I connect via a VPN it downloads fine. There’s some sort of network/ISP issue going on. I’ll report back if it’s relevant. Thanks

If you use curl.exe -JLO [url] from Windows, rather than wget from WSL, do you get a different result?

This is the same size some other folks are getting! That’s highly suspicious.

Can you add a couple of -v to the curl invocation? I wonder if it will report anything about the transfer…

EDIT: ah, it will produce too much output for you to capture.

Can you, in addition to adding -v -v, add 2>download_log.txt at the end and then upload download_log.txt?

I wrote out the full command, but Cloudflare protection is preventing me from sharing it :sweat_smile:.


Log file based upon curl -vv

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looks like somehow cloudfront is losing its mind. No Range header in the request, but it’s returning a partial content response:

< content-range: bytes 809390900-881108071/881108072
< x-cache: Hit from cloudfront

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Indeed! Thank you.

It looks like one of the middle tiers cached a partial range response and is serving it as though it was the whole file.

I’ve passed this on to some folks who may be able to help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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