OLED option for display

We’re not there yet / It’s not here yet. But when that happens, at least we’ve already provided the datapoints / our wishes. Hoping Framework will be ready at that point.

Do you have some more info for this? I’ve just bought a Samsung OLED and edp to Display Port adapter board and was trying to figure out why the board won’t power on when connected to the OLED and then I found your post

The OLED hasn’t made any bad sounds so hopefully I haven’t fried it.

If you just plugged it in it is more likely to destroy the adabter board because it shorts both power rails to ground. If you are lucky there were fuses or ocp on the board.

That’s good though, because the power rail would have sent way too much voltage to the oled and the io voltage would have been way too high so it porbably safed the panel.

Still have not made the custom cable.

What kind of more info do you need?

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I’m curious to look at your source and a comparison of the Samsung and standard pinouts. I’d like to have a go at modifying my cable or designing my own adapter board

Also, if I were to buy a 15.6" 4K OLED from another brand, that should work with the adapter I have till I sort out a solution for my 16" 16:10 Samsung? (currently Samsung seems to be the only brand doing 16:10)

Gotta find the datasheet for your particular panel. The source for the difference is the blown up t480s main-board and a multi-meter. Later I got my hands on a datasheet I was probably not supposed to have that confirmed that.

No Idea but I’d definitely beep out the ground pins first and even then the allowed input voltage may still be a lot lower than what an lcd panel is used to. I don’t think samsung changed the input voltage just to be assholes (not that they aren’t, they pulled a few very asshole moves lately but this might not be one of those), there is probably a technical reason for that.

I also don’t even know of anybody other than samsung making high res oled laptop panels but I have not really looked above 14" so there might be.

My model is a ATNA60YV02-0
I have a multimeter on hand, but I’ve forgotten how to use it. Where do you recommend I probe?

I’ve seen some edp boards specify support for both LCD and OLED, does that mean those ones adjust the voltage for OLED panels?

Just beep out where the found pins are, that’ll allready tell you if the pinout is completely different from the defactor standard lcds use.

No idea, got a link for one?

I’m not sure what you mean with those instructions

I couldn’t find a link to one I saw the other day.

If I understand correctly, pins 18-21 are the ones you mean that need the different voltage?

Put meter into continuity mode, touch one probe to the mettal connector housing (that’s grounded) and touch the other pins with the other probe and note where it beeps, you’ll likely find the ground pins aren’t in the same place as they are on regular lcds.

That’s where they would be on the normal lcd pinout, on the 2k oled panel pin 36 and 37 are panel power and the backlight enable and bist enable pins need 1.8v signal levels instead of the regular 3.3 level so you’ll need a level shifter for those signals. Pin 18-21 is in the middle of the dp signal area on the oled. But I would not recommend trying to mess with an oled panel without the datasheet at this point, they are expensive and have a lot of ways to blow them up.

OK, I understand what you’re trying to say lot better now. I’ve sent a datasheet request through.

These are the pins which beeped in continuity mode

This looks a lot like the pinout on my samsung, would definitely short the power rails to ground on the normal pinout. Also 1 is on the other XD

Right to left, according to VESA. A datasheet for another Samsung OLED i found also seems to match mine if I read it as right to left.

Samsung datasheet counts from the arrow indicator but detail as long as you choose the right side and you did identify which side is which in this case.

I think that if there was space on the Framework laptop 16 to add electrical adapters for various display types, people could start to plug almost any display they wished into the Framework laptop 16, assuming they can make bezels to match. So, maybe ask the Framework team if they could add such a space in the Framework laptop 16 for this.
One could save waste, by bringing a laptop display from a previous laptop and reuse it and attach it to the Framework laptop 16, thus saving money and waste of laptop screens.

I want an OLED ideally. I don’t trust LED backlights to not flicker when VRR is working. Also VRR of course. HDR is a nice to have now that Windows 11 handles it decently. Resolution isn’t important to me since OLEDs never come in low PPI formats anyway

Ironically most oled laptop panels that are currently out have brutal pwm (below 100% brightness) to those that are sensitive to it.

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Good to know. I’ve only used TVs and desktop displays so I wouldn’t know. Definitely hoping for an option that doesn’t do that then.

Stumbled upon this thread from another thread. I’m fiddling with my FW13 but i recently ordered an edp driver board from aliexpress:
DP to EDP driver board

There are 3 OLED options on the compatibility list. Given all the other LCDs likely follow the standard 4-lane config, I assume at least these 3 do too. Unfortunately, they are all 15.6", but I thought I’d post it here in case it helps anyone.

From the few datasheets I have seen laptop oled pinouts are a bit wild west right now, I have seen some that use the regular lcd de-factor standard pinouts and had the voltage conversion circuitry on board, others went a bit more wild and used a completely different pin-out and expected the mainboard to do the voltage conversion.

Find the datasheet for your particular panel before plugging it into stuff (learned that the hard way XD).