Pretty bad screen flicker

I’m having some pretty bad screen flicker. A friend with a 13 suggested I didn’t plug the video cable in well enough, however that’s not part of the assembly process I don’t think. Any help would be appreciated. It’s not backlight flickering, but random zigzag flickers. I can upload a small video if it helps.

Are you on Windows or Linux? Which BIOS are you on? Do you get the flickering on an external monitor?

Fedora Linux, no flickering on external monitor. I’ve not updated the BIOS yet.

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@TheTRUEAsian is this a fedora issue? It’s acting more like a hardware issue?

I’ve put it into the Linux subcategory so that the Linux support team and other Linux users can have a look at it and see whether or not it is an OS issue. The thread can be recategorized later on if necessary.

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