Random hard freezes fw13 amd7840u win11

I have a Windows Hardware Error noted in there from last Sunday, but I can’t recall what it was from, what happened or what triggered it. Failed update maybe? I don’t know honestly. Definitely not a bluescreen. Unless it is a display driver issue? I’m just guessing at this point with that one though. None since because today is the first time I’ve used my laptop in a week tbh. I haven’t gone deep diving through the event logs to investigate this yet. First time I noticed it.

I have noticed the trackpad has… I’ll term it as a microstutter. Enough to be noticeable, not enough to be annoying.

I have two Framework 13’s (7640) both with Crucial P3 Plus SSDs and Crucial CL46 DDR5-5600 RAM. One has 2TB/2x16GB and the other has 500GB/1x16GB and the second one has been having random freezing problems and the watchdog BSOD that this thread documented. Of course the one that’s having problems isn’t my daily driver but another family members :stuck_out_tongue: .

I’m going to give the beta BIOS a go here later today and see if that helps at all.

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I have just got the Framework 13 (AMD7640) 32GB DDR5, 2TB samsung SSD, and a freshly installed windows 11 enterprise. I get random freezes (but not BSOD) only when i use battery, but not when power is plugged in. It doesn’t seem like an overheating issue either as fans are not on when this happens and doing minimal activities like a right click. This occurs at a frequency of about 0 to 2 times per day. Tried to wait it out, doesn’t work. Have to hard power off. Ran memory diagnostics, nothing shows up either.
Just reporting symptoms, while waiting for a cure!

Did you update to the beta BIOS?

Updating to 3.03b now, will report back after a few days to see if problem persists. Thanks for the suggestion.

I’m with @Uwe_Fechner - If you feel comfortable enough, give the beta firmware a go. It’s a power related patch specifically. Advertised for chargers, but reading the thread I haven’t seen any? complaints of stability issues.

You might also try to update the SSD firmware with Samsung magician, or by downloading the iso on the samsung nvme firmware website and writing to a bootable USB to patch the NVME that way instead (if it’s not already on the newest firmware). I have the 2TB 990 Pro and I’m aware they had some serious reliability issues with some of the newer batches. I didn’t notice anything myself, but patched anyway as I read the issue could significantly decrease drive lifespan if not patched. Then again, 5 yr warranty :slight_smile:

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can just go for the 3.05 now


Is it out !?!?

ya, just updated to it myself from 3.03b


Good look, thank you. Applying it on fwupdmgr beta channel now (linux).

║ Upgrade System Firmware from to                             ║
║ Enhancements:                                                                ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Enable Z state support.                                                      ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Fixes in this release:                                                       ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Modify the BIOS password complexity requirements and expiry. Fix several     ║
║ UCSI errors. Fix system hang on resume when NVME password is set. Fix        ║
║ compatibility issue with some low wattage chargers. Fix issue where power    ║
║ LED would not turn off in suspend. Fix fan on resume.                        ║
║                                                                              ║
║ Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen 7040Series) must remain plugged into a power source     ║
║ for the duration of the update to avoid damage.                              ║

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3.03b does seem to have stabilized my daughter’s machine. I’ll give 3.05 a go on mine before I upgrade hers.

I’ve actually had a Windows Hardware Error that has straight up led to a sudden shut down, no BSOD, no warning, nothing.

Seems GPU related, I have no insight other than that.

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Did your mouse cursor slowly experience lags, then completely stop, and the screen turn on with no keyboard or mouse input accepted?

No, not that I noticed at least.

I was just browsing on Firefox, screen went black and instantly went to the boot screen (extremely sudden dirty shut down)

I will say this did happen after I downgraded the AMD Adrenaline Drivers (I did this unwittingly when I installed the new Framework Driver package that was released with the new 3.05 BIOS update). Maybe I need to go back to the newest drivers, IDK. Never saw a crash like this before then.

EDIT: Actually come to think of it, I didn’t have a crash like this on BIOS version 3.03b, this was on BIOS version 3.05, maybe after updating my Adrenaline drivers, I’ll keep an eye out and see if I have any more crashes.

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I actually think either AMD or MS is to blame for the Freezes and Crashes now. Because BSODs after the 2 BIOS updates are gone but now AMD GPU Driver crashes → amduw23g crash in the event log of windows on my side.

I have the same random crashes on an intel desktop system with amd rdna 3 gpu (7900 xt). These crashes don’t occur on hard load like gaming but when using Teams or GPU acceleration in a browser is used.

But it still makes the framework with amd under windows a dead system for my work environment…


Happened to me twice on my Ryzen 5, the last time I was using chrome, the cursor kinda started lagging and the BSOD followed after a minute or two. Everything froze during that time for a minute or two.

Are you saying it is still happening even with the beta BIOS 3.05? I am going to receive the laptop this week and I will have 30 days to try everything to potentially return it if it is buggy. I would like to know what to try to see if I am also affected by this problem.

Not every one has that issue. My Daughter has that device and never had an issue …

For me it still happens after beta bios 3.05

Good Ars Technica article about reliability issues and firmware updates, concentrates more on the Intel-powered ones though: Framework’s software and firmware have been a mess, but it’s working on them | Ars Technica