Rattling noise near fans, FW16

It sounds like the fan blade is impacting something. I would take the module out (dGPU or bank expansion bay, whatever you have in there) and see if there is anything that the fan could be hitting. I recall that there have been some threads where individuals did discover some of the plastic sticking out just enough to allow the fan to impact it. I believe that another individual found an extra piece that should have been removed when the expansion bay was processed. If I find the links I will add them here, but you may be able to find them by searching for fan noise.

Best of luck getting things resolved, and have a great day!

I think I’m also observing the same issue with my FW16 as well.
I don’t hear the noise with the fan module, but only with the GPU module.

Here’s a recording of the issue: (turn on sound all the way up as well)

A little more context to when and how I noticed this problem:

  • Windows 11
  • The laptop sits on a laptop arm with good airflow
  • The input module tray is usually populated with keyboard + LED matrix unless gaming
  • If gaming, I take off the keyboard and put a USB fan on the input module tray
  • The laptop has never been dropped nor bumped in any damaging way
  • The rattling noise is very noticeable when gaming or any high GPU intensive tasks

@Local, Do you have the fan module to compare with, and did you contact support about this issue yet?

Sorry for the delay.
I don’t have the fan module.
I just looked at the fans of the graphics module and the notebook itself. Looks good.

I am pretty sure it’s not the fans.

One important observation:
The rattling goes away as soon as the dGPU is not utilized. That instant.
I have tested it by utilizing the dGPU with Unreal Engine an then stopping it. I observed the dGPU utilization the whole time and the rattling starts when rendering starts and stops when rendering stops. That very second.
It has nothing to do with the fans nor temperature.

I’m not a hardware engineer, but can it be the interposer somehow? It sounds like it is coming right from that point.
Electrical currents can make a sound at places when the connectivity is not good enough, e.g. when there are small gaps. But at these voltages and amperages?

Or it’s just the dGPU itself.
Maybe anyfrom from Framework can say something about it.
I’ve already created a support request.

At two boots the dGPU was completely gone.
After the third boot it was back again.
That doesn’t look good at all.

Back from vacation.

I’ve just created a video of the effect I described.

  1. It starts without utilization of the dGPU
  2. I bring up the UE5 window, the dGPU gets used, the rattling starts immediately
  3. I minimize UE5 again, the dGPU idles and the rattling immediately stops

Please turn up the volume, again.
See: https://framework-share.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/sound_480p.mov

Update: I’m still in the support process with Framework.
I’ve replaced the dGPU and the interposer, which didn’t help.

I have yet to get an answer how the rattling can be related to the fans, especially after the dGPU has been replaced.

This is very unsatisfactory.

Hopefully they RMA the entire machine. It seems like they would want to get yours back so that they could get to a root cause in their lab.

I think it’s unlikely. They seem not to read my case properly.
I get the feeling, that I only get standard template answers from them.
If you would care for me as a customer, the whole situation wouldn’t be as frustrating as it is.

I would politely ask that your case be escalated. I need to test out my dgpu to make sure it is quiet. That sound would drive me nuts.

I already asked, but I think they didn’t escalate my case.

Let me know if you want me to shut up, but if I were you I would be persistent but polite, and insist that the case be escalated. I wouldn’t let up until it was. You have a problem with a new machine, that demands resolution. It’s not like you are asking for the moon.

Can you have a look at the interposer? Take it out and see if there is any electrical damage that a spark can cause.

Note: For the next bit please be careful as you could damage your laptop

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I’d also remove all the inputs, disable this in bios, and see if the noise is from the interposer.

Without the keyboard, it should be clear if the noise is from there or not.

We definitely share that opinion. Let’s see if Framework sees it similarly.
Please, don’t shut up :slight_smile:

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I have looked at the contacts if the interposer and they look clean and “healthy”.

Framework sent me a new dGPU and interposer. I’ve replaced both, but that didn’t change a thing. It might still be the contacts on the mainboard, but they look fine to me, as well.

Regarding the “no inputs” experiment: So you think, the noise might come from the inputs or what is the background of that test?
I might try this in the next couple of days.

Thank you.

That’s so you could hear the noise better without the keyboard.
Mainly because the interposer is under the keyboard.

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As per Framework’s request I’ve created a video of the same noise with the new dGPU and interposer:


  1. dGPU is not used, no rattling
  2. dGPU gets used, rattling starts
  3. Soon the normal fan noise starts
  4. dGPU get unused, rattling stops, fan noise is still present
  5. dGPU get used again, rattling starts again

It is official now: Framework does not care about my problem.

I have just got back my laptop from the repair company “LetMeRepair”, which was chosen by Framework to inspect my laptop.

In their letter they write:
"Unfortunately, the occurrence of buzzing and/or whistling noises is unavoidable with electrical devices. We have investigated the noises you described in detail and have come to the following conclusion.

  1. The noises from the dGPU are within the normal range and were exactly the same with a new dGPU that we installed as a test. Accordingly, we left your dGPU as it was.

I am pretty sure they did not understand the problem, once again. Also, the first sentence is just not true.
And I am stuck with this annoying machine.

The only things I can think of doing are suing, getting press coverage and warn everybody not to buy these laptops.

Original text in the letter : "Leider ist bei elektrischen Geräten das vorkommen (sic) von summenden und/oder pfeifenden Geräuschen unausweichlich. Wir haben die von Ihnen beschriebenen Geräusche ausführlich untersucht und sind zu folgendem Schluss gekommen.

  1. Die Geräusche von der dGPU liegen innerhalb der Normalwerte und waren bei einer neuen dGPU die wir probeweise mal eingebaut haben genau so. Dementsprechend haben wir Ihre dGPU so gelassen.
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Not the “LetMeRepair” repair centre…

Based on the above someone could say that the issue is the mainboard and not the GPU.

A while back, I created this post and you could see that there are no reports similar to yours Framework 16 - RX 7700S questions so, definitely there’s something wrong with the laptop overall.

Personally, I’d ask for a new mainboard as we can clearly “see” that there’s an issue. I’d just go crazy if mine was doing that.

As I’m using Fusion360 and I’m always moving objects, that would drive me crazy.

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So I understand you’ve had to deal with “LetMeRepair” in the past.

Yes, it might be the mainboard and/or the interposer.
I will ask for a replacement once I get a reply to my latest response in the support thread.

Yes, it is making me crazy. I have UE5 open all the time, basically.

Thanks for caring.
I will let you know if Framework is willing to solve my problem. I am not optimistic about this.


Unfortunately, yes.
See: [SOLVED] Framework returned my laptop with the wrong motherboard

Good luck with your ticket! :slightly_smiling_face:

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