[SOLVED] Framework returned my laptop with the wrong motherboard

Yes, exactly this.

After 33 days of dealing with this and 10 waiting for my laptop back after I sent it to the repair centre, I received it with the wrong motherboard.

@Destroya can someone please check my reply to the ticket and fix this ASAP?
I don’t want to wait for another month, I just want to receive the right motherboard so I can send the wrong one back.

From my order


System Info

Also, the screen was full of dust/sand.

More pictures

I understand you’re annoyed, I would be too.
But you also contacted support through proper channels, correct? As Framework does not officially handle support requests via the forum. This is primarily a user forum. Some FW staff post here, of course, but an individual may be away, for an extended time, at any given time without notice.

That was exactly what I did. That’s why I said, “can someone please check my reply to the ticket”.

I just don’t want to wait for another week for support to come back to me. I’m also scared by the fact that they’ll ask me to run who knows what tests while I can clearly see that is the wrong motherboard.

Also, I’m more annoyed by the state of the screen.
Mainly because this is a new computer that I barely used.

Anyone can make a mistake and somehow install the wrong motherboard. But, I’d expect them to have a clean environment when working with sensitive equipment.

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For one thing, Framework does not have employees working on the weekend, so unfortunately you’ll likely need to wait until Monday to hear back. But also, please calm down. I understand that you are frustrated with the situation, but just because you came to this forum and pinged Destroya does not mean you are entitled to higher priority. Framework support will get back to you, but they are also human, so be understanding and kind with them.


He sounds annoyed, yes (who wouldn’t). But calm, IMO.

I won’t be so sure. Take the following IRL example:
You have a plumber booked / scheduled to do some work. Work done. But a leak started that very evening. Is it reasonable for the plumber to say, there’s a booking / scheduling queue of 2 weeks, you need to be in the queue with the same priority as everyone else.

Or this, booked a Tesla during pandemic period, waiting list was backlogged for 12 months. Your Tesla arrived at the dealership, but upon driving it away, it encountered power source issue and wouldn’t start up a second time. Do you wait another 12 months?

The ping to Destroya is a ‘heads up’, incoming. Not so much an entitlement.

Edit: Plus, historically, we know TheTwistgibber was able to pre-screen certain tickets when pinged via the forum, and able to add additional layer of human touch to move things along.

So, really, I’m not so sure.

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Please do not ping Framework staff with the expectation of receiving a response as that doesn’t always occur. While they monitor the forums from time to time, official support is done through their ticket system and OP should engage with support through there. An appropriate member of the support team will respond to them in a timely manner. Only for very exceptional circumstances will staff engage and we have ways of alerting the appropriate individuals.

TheTwistgibber is no longer part of Framework and even if they were, staff still should not be pinged with this expectation in mind. If you believe your support agent isn’t adequately addressing concerns, politely ask for an escalation but all support is still done through the aforementioned system.

Please wait a bit and an appropriate Support individual will respond to you.


Coming to the forum and pinging and employee doesn’t entitle them to higher priority, however IMO the fact that support screwed up like this should entitle them to higher priority. Pinging Destroya might help to get this on the radar as a high priority, although it isn’t (and shouldn’t be) part of any official process.

I once purchased headphones (from a company that I’d estimate was smaller than Framework is now but not significantly smaller) that had a defect. I contacted support and about a weak later they sent me new headphones, but unfortunately the ones they sent were a lower end model (so a similar situation to this). I contacted again and within a couple hours I got a response from the CEO of the company stating that they were shipping new ones with overnight shipping (and told me to keep the wrong ones they sent me).

But the emphasis about this anecdote is you contacted them through the appropriate support channels and happened to receive a response from the CEO.

Yeah, saw that from the profile.

Agree…kinda. It’s not exactly clear precisely what the expectation is except what’s stated in the OP:
His ask: can someone please check my reply to the ticket and fix this ASAP?
His wish: I don’t want to wait for another month, I just want to receive the right motherboard so I can send the wrong one back.

That expectation seems reasonable considering the ‘already’ long time spent, and followed by a Framework induced mistake. The ask is not FIX IT NOW. It’s “as soon as possible”, which means he’s not expecting nor asking: to be top priority / jump in front of everyone.

Also note that his first response was ticket, followed by forum. He’s aware of the support system. As I stated early, my interpretation is that this is a ping of heads-up / incoming of an exception to the norm (unless we’re classifying the mistake is a norm, better not be).

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FW support only work Monday to Friday, so you will need to wait till Monday or Tuesday for a response.
From your post, I agree, they appear to have made a mistake.
I expect they will appologise and sort it out for you next week.

First of all, let’s all take a deep breath and relax. We can be annoyed and still smile :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I’m annoyed, and yes, I won’t take it with the support team, it is not like they’re the ones that replaced the motherboard, right?

The repair centre either randomly replaced it without checking the specs or, they received the wrong one, we’ll never know.
I’m mainly disappointed by how that beautiful screen looked :slightly_frowning_face:

@Azure I’m not entitled to any higher priority, I’d only expect them to fix their mistake faster than usual. Mainly because we’re over the “debugging process”, right?
Example: If I introduce a bug during a fix I’ll fix that asap as I know exactly what I did wrong. There’s no need to go through the debugging process.

@Second_Coming I’m quite calm tbh, annoyed, oh yeah, but luckily it takes me 6 months to switch between laptops, so I wasn’t fully dependent on the framework laptop.

@TheTRUEAsian I don’t expect them to do anything. I only tagged it because last time when support delayed one of my replies by 6 days, he pinged them and I had a reply the same day.
I just don’t want to wait for 5 working days to have a reply.

@Kyle_Reis that’s kind of what I’d expect. Any tickets that are known to be working on with the issue found, should be checked constantly and make sure that they’ll close as soon as possible.
This could also help with the backlog, as there are only small steps to resolve them.

@James3 I know, and I like the fact that they have the weekend off. They need to have their free time.


There are times when Support is bogged down with tickets and replies can take a while however, as far as I’m aware, Support isn’t going through that right now and they typically respond within 1 business day.

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I’m glad to know that we’re all calm, apologies for my reaction, I’ve dealt with some unreasonable characters demanding support on the forums, and definitely misunderstood your tone when reading your posts. My apologies for assuming the worst about you.

I’d still argue that if you just put in a support request, and haven’t received a response yet on a Saturday, it would have been best to give support the benefit of the doubt and waited until Monday or Tuesday to post on the forum and ping staff, trusting that support would handle your request in a timely manner this time. As the Mods have made clear, trying to get attention here is really only for cases where you haven’t received a response for an unreasonable amount of time.

Best of luck getting your issues fixed, and I hope you can enjoy your Framework Laptop soon!


Think that’s the state of the internet in general…people getting varying degree of PTSD triggers, myself included, jumping to conclusions…etc.

Going off topic:

Most people are reasonable most of the time when they are alone.
I’m aware I seem unreasonable and unacceptable to some, fairly often.
I wonder what someone would do if the motherboard was an upgrade, equally unacceptable but maybe not to so many?

And as the dust and sand does cloud and dirty the view I must leave this rather stretchy and sketchy scene.

Tomorrow the rain will fall and wash all away.

No worries :grin:

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I’d do the same if it was an upgrade, but, maybe I’m just weird :person_shrugging:

As for the dust, I’m glad that I recorded the unpacking as tbh, that’s hard to believe :sweat_smile:

I did some checks on that repair centre, and, after finding out that they have a rating of 1.6 on trustpilot, everything makes sense now.


Can you name the repair centre. There was and maybe still is a similar concern fro Cordon that was used by Framework :woozy_face:

@Alex_Uta just for my own curiosity - was it sent to the repair center to replace the mainboard? Or other issues? No judgement if you decided to have someone else replace it - while it wasn’t the hardest thing I have done… It was something that if I had the option to get replaced at a repair center, I might have taken them up on.

NVM I remember our convo in the other thread. Disregard :slight_smile: