[Resolved] Framework AI 300 USB-C Bandwidth?

Hello everyone,

I’m considering purchasing the Framework AI 300 laptop and am debating between getting a new RTX 5090 or using my existing RTX 4090 from my current PC with it.

Could someone clarify what USB-C specification/protocol this laptop uses (USB4 v2, etc.) and whether there would be any major bandwidth limitations when connecting an external eGPU with the new processor architecture like there was in the previous gens?

Thank you for your assistance!

I think I read somewhere that it is still UBS4v1

Howdy all!

I’d be happy to clarify. The rear ports are USB4 40 Gbps, while the front ports are USB 3.2 spec. This is close to the maximum I/O that the AI 300 series offers. Information on this and the chip’s other capabilities can be found on AMD’s website.

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