[RESOLVED] FW13 AMD Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - external ultrawide monitor not recognised HDMI

I have been using my FW13 AMD Ubuntu 22.04 LTS successfully with a 27" external monitor past few days. Today I plugged it into a 34" Samsung G5 ultrawide via the HDMI and the monitor does not receive any signal. The monitor works with another Windows laptop.

I searched the forums but didn’t find this exact issue.

I filed a support ticket but thought I’d see if anyone had encountered and resolved already.

Any insight, thanks!

I had the same issue until I tried another port for the HDMI output. Mine is not working on the rear left USB4 port. I did not have time to fill a support ticket though, just letting you know to try yourself.

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Thanks @Aurelien_D, the rear left port did indeed work for me. Seems like both the front ports don’t work for HDMI.

The official documentation for the 13 AMD is here:

So your HDMI output should at least work on the front right one. You should ask support about it.

Damn, I didn’t notice that that port is known not to support HDMI. Thanks for pointing that out.

This is correct. I’ll mark this as resolved.

I found this trick always makes the external display work with my laptop: simply unplug the HDMI expansion card and plug it back in.

Unplugging the HDMI cable does not help. In fact, I leave the HDMI cable plugged into the expansion card when I do this. I flip the laptop over, hold the button to release the expansion card, and slide my HDMI expansion card out and back in. It works every time.

I have a Framework with a 12th gen intel core running Ubuntu 22.04. I bring this laptop back and forth from work, so I run into this on a daily basis when I plug in the external display at work and at home. Sometimes both displays work, but usually I only get one display (sometimes it’s my laptop, sometimes it’s the external display). Hot plugging the HDMI expansion card triggers the laptop to do something that fixes the problem.