[RESPONDED] AMD Batch 1 Guild

I’m in batch 1. That’s the purpose of this guild isn’t it ! :blush:

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batch 1ers represent
fw gonna start taking our money this week I can feel it

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I see, so the anticipation finally got the better of you? :wink:

It’s too bad pre-ordering seems to go hand in hand with the anticipation that the product will have flaws at the outset. Otherwise, it’s a great way to practice delayed gratification. It’s nice to have things to look forward to!

Right?! I am genuinely a little surprised it didn’t happen last night…

Does anyone know if the fulfillment center is nearby the manufacturing plant? I want to say it is, which would be fantastic. Based on the number of flashing/burn-in racks shown in the tour video (~288 “bays”), I would hope they are clearing at least 200 mainboards per day (288 * 0.8 * 0.9). If that math tracks, then that should mean they have about 1000 units packed out by now.

Can’t imagine it will be much longer :crossed_fingers:


im feeling they take payment by Friday
and start shipping on Monday
deliveries by the end of next week

I was foertold this in a dream.


Haha, we’ve got ourselves a soothsayer! I love it! Fantastic!


Batch 1 11th gen, Batch 1 Ryzen 7 7840U LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO


I am in batch 1 too. I ordered the day of the announcement. But I don’t want people who are not in batch 1 to feel like they are excluded from posting here, as long as it is related to AMD Batch 1.

everyone can be a batch 1er if they believe hard enough


I closed my eyes and wished it. Then I checked the website. Nope, still batch 7. Guess I didn’t believe hard enough. :slightly_frowning_face:


Mine still says it ships Q3, so they might be waiting a few more days to charge us until their Time Machine is completed.


I’m still holding out hope that it arrived early q3 and I’ve been enjoying it for 3 months now


It’s a new vendor to Framework and a new CPU which few OEMs have used. If I couldn’t wait a few days or weeks past Q3, then I would cancel my order and go with something else.

Just to pass the time while we patiently await the shipping emails to come, since I saw a few people already mentioned their plans to put Linux on theirs, shall we have a poll with what we are planning to install on ours?

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Dual boot

0 voters

For me I am planning for it to be my first Linux daily driver.


I’m gonna dual boot at first because I’m a bit on the fence about going full Linux straight away because work is a windows environment and I want to see how well I can work with that with Linux. so dual booting for now. but who knows, may go full Linux before long.


I wonder if typhoon Koinu is affecting framework schedules for FW13.b1

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Gaslighting yourself is a valid coping strategy


I have a good feeling about today!


That’s good, keep that feeling every day ! :wink:


it’s a beautiful day to have good feelings about the day :two_hearts::sunflower:
today is definitely the day tho. hold onto your butts.


Kali and Windows 11!!!

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