[RESPONDED] Framework firmware on the LVFS?

I think this thread is the oldest about LVFS (with fwupd). So, I would like to use it as LVFS main thread. Maybe nrp’s comment below on 3rd March is Framework’s latest status about LVFS.

We’re working on resolving the issue on EFI boot entries getting cleared before we deploy through LVFS.

I don’t understand what is blocker now. But my idea is that Framework would share the details, and use a power of communities to fix the issue. You may find the domain specialist in the communities. This is an open source way, right (if it is possible)?

Another related thread: BIOS 3.06 on LVFS testing, but error trying to update under Fedora 35


It would be very helpful to have an update on the LVFS progress. I don’t see anything since January 2022.

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See Framework Laptop BIOS and Driver Releases (11th Gen Intel® Core™)
You need to enable lvfs-testing. As 3.10 (for 11th gen!) is out of beta now, perhaps they should move it to regular.
Also: be careful that the update process (both through LVFS and through EFI shell) need space on the EFI partition on the internal disc. At 100Mb, that partition is very sparingly provisioned. The presence of any remnants of other boot setups can be enough to have the update process fail without indication of what went wrong (you just won’t have updated firmware).
It looks like most linux disk formatting tools that come with distributions like Fedora are extremely reluctant to meddle with existing EFI partitions and get easily confused when there are multiple, so it’s quite possible to be stuck with the original 100Mb one even if you thought you made a bigger one.
I think Framework would save their customers a lot of possible pain (and perception of broken firmware update procedures) if they just provisioned 1Gb for the EFI partition on their premade systems.

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I am reluctant to enable testing, so I am mostly interested in the expectation for the stable channel.


Any updates on this?

Implemented in the testing channel.

11th gen:


Great! Do you know when it will be stable?

No idea, sorry.

Does “testing” in “lvfs-testing” refer to testing versions of the BIOSes there, or to testing the lvfs distribution channel?

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I’m pretty sure that Framework is using the “testing channel” of LVFS due to the imperfect state of the distribution channel itself. I have seen a number of announcements of BIOS versions that appear to be stable and which may be acquired through the LVFS “testing channel.” I suffer the same general confusion as you, and would welcome an authoritative description of the situation.

Right now when searching by “Framework Laptop” on the fwupd.org, I can see only the Framework Laptop 13 AMD is not testing state.


State stable

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What @junaruga has said is correct. For Ryzen 7040 Series, the the current state is stable as outlined here and here.

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I don’t see any updates for the 13th gen intel core Framework 13 on LVFS.

Are there any updates for 13th gen that just haven’t yet been uploaded to LVFS? (I didn’t find a place for them when looking at the main corporate site.)

Is LVFS now considered a first class mechanism for delivering firmware updates?

It appears that Framework simply hasn’t released any BIOS update for 13th gen, yet:

FWIW, you can get there via: BIOS and Drivers Downloads

They can’t distribute all the Intel proprietary blobs through lvfs right now and that is because of LVFS

And? This doesn’t change the fact that Framework hasn’t released any BIOS update for the 13th generation Intel Framework Laptop 13, as of today. (source: the article I linked in my last answer)

This contrasts the situation we have with the 12th generation Intel Framework Laptop, where Framework has released a BIOS update: Framework Laptop BIOS and Driver Releases (12th Gen Intel® Core™)

That update just wasn’t made available through LVFS, for whatever reason.

However, this isn’t really relevant to Michael’s question, I answered.

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@inffy can you provide a reference for your “because of lvfs” assertion? I was pretty sure that I’d installed plenty of Intel-proprietary blob firmware updates on a thinkpad via LVFS, but first I asked Richard Hughes, who created LVFS, and he confirmed my understanding:

If you have a reference for “because of lvfs” to share here, that might help clear up confusion.

Thank you. That mostly answers the second half of my question: For some reason, it appears that despite having an LVFS vendor account, Framework does not consider LVFS a first class mechanism for delivering firmware updates. That makes Linux users second-class users of Framework machines, in my opinion. I was kind of hoping that someone from Framework would state formally, that as a matter of policy, Framework will be providing at least future firmware releases via LVFS among any other mechanisms. Even small hobby hardware projects manage that; it doesn’t seem like a burden to get a free CDN and firmware update tool to help out users.

I’ve read the articles about how Framework has trouble shipping firmware updates at all, and I get it. All I’m suggesting is that when they can ship new firmware updates, LVFS is really sine qua non for first-class Linux support. And it’s free. And was designed with active feedback and participation from multiple vendors to reduce their effort.

I just got an email that firmware has been released with the 13th gen intel systems, and a visit to the LVFS shows that it was not uploaded there.


The page here: Framework Laptop BIOS and Driver Releases (11th Gen Intel® Core™)

Claims: “Please note that for this platform LVFS will not update the CSME firmware. so we only recommend updating using the EFI updater. This is a limitation of LVFS which does not ship the binary blobs from Intel necessary to update the CSME.”

I just updated my Ubuntu system with the EFI shell and it worked ok, but the progress bar is microsoft style, it will move to the end and just sit there, making you think it’d frozen. Eventually it will finish and reboot itself.