[RESPONDED] Full disk encryption through BIOS

I’ve searched for a while, but i don’t find any answer.

There are some way to obtain a FDE through BIOS instead of BitLocker (win) and LUKS (linux)?

My desiderata, which I’ve in a previous legion laptop, is to unlock the SSD on boot sequence. Something similar SED ( GitHub - Drive-Trust-Alliance/sedutil: DTA sedutil Self encrypting drive software ).


Having the pbe on the drive (like you can do with sedutil) instead of the bios is probably the better solution since you can still unlock your drive on a different machine.

Happened to me when my x260 died and I wasn’t able to unlock it on any other device until I fixed the x260 (no crucial data it was a matter of principle XD) because lenovo did something to the password I guess.

Personally I don’t see much upside in self encrypting drives these days but if I were sedutil with the on drive pba is the way to go for that.


@Adrian_Joachim’s advice is going to be your best bet.