I own and operate a small Business, there is basically myself and my partner.

The problem I have with this product is that the Linux version comes as DIY.

Neither my partner nor myself have the time nor the inclination to build a computer from scratch, at the most we will replace one OS with another.

Linux, and computers in general are NOT a hobby for us, they are the tools by which we earn our living.

As a consequence if we are constrained to either purchase a DIY kit or a pre built computer with Windows, we would rather purchase something from Tuxedo or System 76, or similar.


I understand your fear, “building a computer” feels very daunting. With the Framework laptop, the DIY version is very loosely ‘assembly needed’. If you’re purchasing a 12th gen or newer, all you need to do is install the memory and storage.

Having very little experience, I did this on my DIY version last week under ten minutes. And it’s a bit liberating, feeling like you have a little more know-how than at the outset!

All of this is personal experience, and might not be what you’re looking for. But i hope this helps!


It’s not fear.

I’ve built my fair share of computers in my time.

It’s Time and Money and lack of Inclination and running a small Business.

As I said Linux and Computers ARE NOT A HOBBY. I don’t have the Fracking time.

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I’m kind of confused on wanting Linux, yet being too short on time to tighten a few screws. At least in my experience with Linux in general (a large portion of which being on the framework), the time sink required to productively use the OS is greater than Windows, even if you get it preinstalled with something like a system76 or Tuxedo laptop.

Just to add some info, this isn’t building a computer like a desktop, it’s significantly less work. The DIY laptop comes with everything put together except the RAM and SSD, which you can even have shipped in the same package as the laptop. unscrew the case, slot the RAM in, screw in the SSD, close the case, install an OS, and done.

Also, you could always nuke Windows and flash Linux on a prebuilt framework within a minute of it arriving (quote: “at the most we will replace one OS with another”) if the ten minutes of hardware work is too much.


to start off, Framework so far has not set up infrastructure to handle computers for business, their goal is computers for personal use.

Like others have said, the DIY is far from building a computer from scratch. Additionally, The prebuilt comes with Windows installed, but the drive can easily be wiped and you can install linux yourself as you are willing to do.

If you feel that Tuxedo or System 76 will serve your small business needs better, I recommend you purchase their products! Hopefully you’ll try Framework again when they have a better system for your business needs!


But I am not willing to pay the premium for Windows.

I originally posted this in the Hope that the Manufacturers would actually see why people who use Linux for their business needs might not buy their product, but would prefer to purchase something where Linux is built into the purchase.

What a load of unmitigated rot. I’ve programmed in multiple languages on both Windows and Linux. Linux is far, far easier and quicker to configure, and be productive on.

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Unfortunately for you, this is a user forum. While the framework team sometimes responds to posts here, the best way to have your feedback heard by the company is to send them a message through support.

Framework has said in the past that they would like to send out Pre-built laptops with Linux, but since they are still a small team, they aren’t able to make that happen yet. Unfortunately the best solution I can offer you is to do it yourself, or buy from a company that has been able to set up that kind of system already.

The programming and development experience is significantly better for sure; but I disagree on configuration. That being said, if for your use case onboarding a laptop is absolutely seamless, I’d still think that the DIY edition would suit you, because the efficiency of using Linux would far outweigh the time it takes to put in two components during a lunch break or before bed.

I want Linux and I am too short on time to tighten a few screws, that’s why I use Linux!


Okay folks, let’s keep things civil as there’s some unnecessary snark in this thread.

There are no current plans to provide a Prebuilt pre-installed with Linux. The DIY version of our laptops only require loosening five captive screws, lifting up on the Input Cover, removing a quick-release ribbon cable, and plugging in RAM and an SSD. All you need to do after that is install your favorite flavor of Linux. I highly encourage anyone concerned about setting up a DIY edition to check out our Guides for step-by-step instructions, start to finish.

As there are many different flavors of Linux, creating, stocking, and managing inventory of multiple combinations of CPU and OS is not something we’re willing to take on given the cost and resourcing it would take to manage across multiple areas of our business (Marketplace, Logistics, Supply Chain, Customer Support, Finance, etc.).

EDIT: I forgot it gets even easier for Framework 13 (13th Gen Intel Core) and newer as we’ve changed the way the DIY arrives. The Input Cover isn’t installed when packed out to allow for even more configurability by the customer in checkout. After removing the clear cover over the bottom cover when removing it from the packaging, you just need to install the SSD, RAM, plug in the ribbon cable, place the Input Cover on, tighten the five captive screws, and install Linux. Badda bing, badda boom, Bob’s your uncle.


I get where you’re coming from. Totally. When you have other better things to do, there are other better things to do. Plus, a tool is a tool is a tool. DIY, OS install…that’s just not hitting the ground running. For people such as you, your partner…and likely others who have a business to run, has billable hours (myself)…we tend to use / manage / allocate time quite differently from those who has computing as a hobby.

Tuxedo seems decent, BTW. Though, I would say, if it’s a tool for business, you might be better off with a business oriented offering from Dell, HP or Lenovo (specifically for their commercial level support, be it technical Q&A, drivers & BIOS, security, repair, on-site…etc).

My wife didn’t quite get it until recently. There are things to do, tasks on the to-do list. Things are in the queue. Any side-track is a time allocation scope creep. We don’t have the luxury of time to fiddle. The computer is a tool, here to do things for us, not us to cater to it. When I have the time, I much rather spend it with my family…or bill more.

Lenovo ThinkPads with Ubuntu:

Ubuntu certified laptops:


I have an original DIY version. Back when you had to remove the cover and install the fiddly Wi-Fi antennas in addition to the RAM and SSD. It still only took about 10 minutes. The newer DIY versions are even simpler. I bet I could put one together in 2 minutes, without rushing.

Don’t get me wrong, get whatever will work best for you. But if the time to assemble the DIY version is your main concern, I wouldn’t worry about that. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.


This is where we are at this time.


…and this is why it’s never the year for Linux.

Microsoft knew it was important to get their OS (DOS and Windows) onto systems right out of the gate. The Linux communities…always find ways to turn down such an opportunity.

At this point, I am fully confident that you have spent more time voicing your concerns and reading/responding to attempts to mitigate them than it would take to assemble a DIY edition and install an operating system following the step-by-step guides produced by the hardware manufacturer. I’m worried about your time spent on forums for hobbyists and how it affects your business’s productivity.

You’re looking at it wrong / from a silo, individual level.

Well, that’s all for this thread, folks. Please read the Community Guidelines and keep them in mind as you participate in the future.