[RESPONDED] Trackpad not registering secondary clicks intermittently

Hello, I’ve been using Pop!_OS 22.04 on my i7-1260p DIY edition Framework for the better part of a year now. I’ve dealt with my fair share of issues, but this one has me stumped.

As described in the title, the trackpad has started to not register the two-finger click gesture seemingly at random. The issue will last less than a minute and then return to normal. During this time, cursor tracking and other gestures such as two-finger scrolling still work.

I have tried restarting and using compressed air on the input cover connector, neither made any difference.

I don’t even know where to start on troubleshooting this, I can’t even tell if it is hardware or software. Hopefully someone a bit more knowledgeable on the Framework input system can help me figure out what the problem is.

Hi @Nick_Heyart , welcome to the community.

To rule out if it’s software specific to Pop!_OS or if it’s hardware is to try several other distribution via live usb, Ubuntu or Fedora would be a good start.

cheers. :slight_smile:

I had drives for pop os and windows handy, so I tried both. Fresh install of pop os wouldn’t recognize any multi-finger gestures at all, no scrolling or right click at all. Windows was mostly fine after installing the driver package, but it seemed to confuse two-finger click for scrolling pretty often.

If I remember correctly, pop os had no problems with the trackpad when I installed it initially. I also used windows on this laptop for about a week before switching, and never had it scroll when trying to right click. If I delivered even a slightly shaky two-finger click, it would scroll an almost invisible amount instead of right clicking.

Is there any way to check if there was an update to the trackpad driver recently?

I’ll give fedora a try when I get a chance and post an update.

Maybe your pop! OS installation just needs Touchégg? see sample installation and configs here

do test with fedora with fedora as well when you have a chance, thanks.

Installed Fedora 37 Workstation on a spare drive, still had the same issue unfortunately. I noticed that the issue seems to happen most frequently when trying to right-click after typing for a while, but that could just be a coincidence. I was also able to get a libinput debug event log while the problem was happening. Here the events it records: https://pastebin.com/XqqCLrx8
TL;DR: libinput shows no distinction between a normal right click and a false negative two finger click.

I will play around with Touchégg later today.

The issue’s persistence across multiple operating systems seems to suggest that this is either a hardware issue, or a problem with the firmware on some component of the input system. Are there any good ways to investigate the hardware itself, such as re-flashing the touchpad’s firmware?

Update on Touchégg, looks like it was already installed and was being used to handle various multitasking gestures. I poked around in the graphical configuration tool, but none of the options I saw were related to two-finger click.

Checking Touchégg’s status yields the following:

nick@pop-os:~$ systemctl status touchegg.service 
● touchegg.service - Touchégg Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/touchegg.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-04-26 11:49:55 EDT; 55min ago
       Docs: https://github.com/JoseExposito/touchegg/tree/master/installation#readme
   Main PID: 874 (touchegg)
      Tasks: 4 (limit: 37993)
     Memory: 10.5M
        CPU: 5.286s
     CGroup: /system.slice/touchegg.service
             └─874 /usr/bin/touchegg --daemon

Apr 26 11:50:24 pop-os touchegg[874]:         Calculating start_threshold and finish_threshold. You can tune this values in your service file
Apr 26 11:50:24 pop-os touchegg[874]:         start_threshold: 28.7402
Apr 26 11:50:24 pop-os touchegg[874]:         finish_threshold_horizontal: 394.783
Apr 26 11:50:24 pop-os touchegg[874]:         finish_threshold_vertical: 258.661
Apr 26 11:50:28 pop-os touchegg[874]: New client connection request
Apr 26 11:50:28 pop-os touchegg[874]: New client connected
Apr 26 12:04:25 pop-os touchegg[874]: libinput error: event7  - PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded.
Apr 26 12:04:25 pop-os touchegg[874]: See https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/1.20.0/touchpad-jumping-cursors.html for details
Apr 26 12:06:17 pop-os touchegg[874]: libinput error: event7  - PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded.
Apr 26 12:06:17 pop-os touchegg[874]: See https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/1.20.0/touchpad-jumping-cursors.html for details

hello @Nick_Heyart ,

whenever this happens can you try expanding the touchegg logs? that libinput error may point to some clues

sudo journalctl --unit=touchegg.service -n 200 --no-pager

I think I have a lead on the problem. I was looking at the current issues open for libinput, and found this: Touchpad two-finger hard click not recognized when fingers above each other (#722) · Issues · libinput / libinput · GitLab

libinput checks the distance between your fingers: the maximum spread is 40mm horizontally and 30mm vertically.

Next time the issue occurred, I tried right-clicking with my fingers very close to eachother and it worked fine. But when I spread them back out to a more comfortable distance (~ 20mm apart) it would register as a left-click. Under normal circumstances, a wider distance works fine. I checked the libinput configuration docs for any way to change the distance cutoff manually but couldn’t find anything.

Also, here is the the log: touchegg expanded log - Pastebin.com

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