Resolutions with external monitor
- I have a framework 13, AMD 7040 series.
- I have installed Ubuntu 22.04.3 following the office docs here exactly as described here: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Installation on the Framework Laptop 13 - Framework Guides.
What I’m trying to do
I want to plugin an external monitor through the HDMI expansion card and use a dual monitor set up. The monitor is pretty standard 1920x1080 one. I expect to use it with a scaling factor of 100%.
I also want to keep using the framework builtin display with a scaling factor of 200%, because otherwise things are tiny.
What I would expect
To simply plug the external monitor in through HDMI, set up display config as desired and things to work out properly.
What is actually happening
Some windows are completely off when it comes to size/resolution/scaling.
For example:
- I start a new firefox window.
- It appears in the external monitor. It looks great.
- I drag it to the built-in monitor.
- Everything looks tiny. Characters are barely readable. The scaling is obviously not being respected.
Or: - Switch the built-in monitor to be the main one.
- Start a new firefox window.
- It appears in the built-in monitor. It looks great. The scaling is obviously respected.
- I drag it to the external monitor.
- Everything looks huge. The window barely fits in the monitor. The scaling is obviously not being respected.
This will happen with some apps. Other apps, like Nautilus or the Settings window, look good on both (scaling is respected in both displays, regardless of where the window first appeared).
A shitty work-around is to set the built-in monitor resolution to 1280x800. But I feel pretty stupid using that resolution after paying a kidney for a nice screen capable of 2256x1504.
What can I do to solve this? Happy to share any logs/terminal outputs that might help debug.