Shipping dates FW 16

I don’t know, I get I may just sound naive but I saw NRP discussing that batches 11 and later would all be fufilled by the end of Q2 on ycombinator pretty recently (Jan 24th). Things may have changed behind the scenes, but it doesn’t sound like there have been any big issues since then so I’m still holding onto it.

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If that’s true, it’d be fantastic

I like how everybody here speculates on absolutely zero knowledge of their actual supply chain and production capacities. But I do it too, because it’s just too much fun :smile:
I think they estimated quite optimistic when they opened preorders, but i guess it helps Framework a lot to know very far ahead how many units they will actually need.
Updates on all other batches’ ETA would be much appreciated. I think they don’t want to say something they wouldn’t be able to keep again, so they wait until they know for sure. Although that could also have been communicated more clearly. “We won’t say nothing until we know” or something.

With all that being said, once again we have to remember just how tiny the Framework team is. And they already give us deep dives and a lot more communication than almost any other big or even small name brand.
They also talked a lot about building out even more production capabilities than ever before, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they can pump out 2 or 3 batches every 2 weeks after Batch 4 or 5. Or at least 1 batch / 1 week consistently.
With every miscalculation or defect Framework has shown (so far) that they want to support their customers and do it right, at least fix it afterwards. So I stay optimistic and believe them when they say, basically FWL16 will be in stock by July.

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Yes, I no longer am holding onto hope for my laptop to make it out before the holiday, especially since mine has an RGB keyboard.

Still, it’s not like they’ve just been sitting around doing nothing while they wait for the last few components. I’m sure they’re shipping what they can, prepping what they can’t, and doing all kinds of juggling to stay on track to get all preorders out the door literally as fast as they can. Nothing about this timeline since July suggests any incompetence on their part. As an engineer for products orders of magnitude simpler than a computer, it is amazing to me they are executing as well as they are. I also leave on time every day so… :sunglasses:


I don’t intend to sound rude, but that’s the inherent risk of a pre-order. If you’re uncomfortable with uncertain delivery times and quality, then preordering probably isn’t for you.


That’d be bad.
I’ve been hanging on with my R5 3500U Lenovo 16" laptop, but honestly it’s just agonizingly slow for dev. After upgrading from 8 → 20GB RAM it was at least okay-ish, but there’s so many small things that kind of frustrate me with it.
Especially the keyboard locking up on key combinations of sometimes just 2 which makes quite a lot of my shortcuts useless and the meh battery life (~3 hours with dev stuff running, didn’t measure it though).

Really looking forward to the Framework 16 and its QMK based keyboard. That’ll be soooo much better and I might even switch to NixOS, as it’s kinda hard to get the xkb stuff running there as a noob ^^

The fact that the Laptop 16 is the first and only laptop using QMK makes it an easy choice, as long as it’s not awful (which it surely isn’t). So I’m keeping my preorder for sure, even if it takes a little longer still. Just hoping it won’t be that much longer, as we all likely are.

Apparently Framework was over optimistic about the progress of 16, it is much harder than they expect. They indeed open their pre-order toooooo early…I got a tough time for waiting mine…

I honestly just think they bit off far more than they could chew.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: What will you use your Framework Laptop 16 for?

That’s an undeniable fact (although not bit that far). But, as long as apple still needs me to pay facking 700 dollar to repair my i5 MacBook screen which worth 1400 itself, fw is on the right track, and I won’t blame on shipping time.

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My issues are more with the communication, which was lacking early on, and then apparently is going to trail off now that the first batch is being shipped. This feels like a bit of an own goal, I have to say.

Configurations with the RGB keyboard (keyboard, not macropad) have started shipping (got my shipping notification this morning).



Enjoy! I hope to have a similar email after the holiday.

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lets gooooo

i also have an rgb keyboard and now im just anxiously smashing refresh on my order summary page


Nice! Enjoy!

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I don’t think so, it just proved more popular than they thought, along with the FW13 AMD. At least the problems from the FW13 AMD should result in appropriate fixes for the FW16.

As to shipping dtaes, it would be nice to have an update about a week after the factory gets back underway after Lunar NY. An estimate from @nrp about how often batch emails go out, i would think by the time they get to the third batch it should be every 1 - 1.5 weeks/batch, it will certainly need to be that to fulfill the back orders by end of Q2.


maybe, but as with the FW13 AMD, they had up to four batches shipping at a time, depending on the combination of accessories that were available. They don’t wait until they have finished one batch before they start the next batch.

Go back through the FW 13 AMD guild postings and see that I am right. They did start off a bit slow then kept speeding up in sending out batch emailsas time went by.


They won’t necessarily ship all of batch 1 before starting to ship batch 2. Orders won’t ship until all parts of the order are available. If some batch 1 orders are still waiting on RGB macropads or LED matrix modules, but all parts are available for certain batch 2 orders, those orders from batch 2 may start shipping. So just because ALL of batch 1 may not ship before sometime in March, doesn’t mean batch 2 won’t have already started shipping.


Oh I believe you. Apologies for coming across as…a tad harsh.

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Update: just got it this morning, havent had a chance to fully setup yet but i can tell right off the bat that they keyboard and screen flex are not even a fraction of what I’ve seen from other people online