Whoa. It works.
UPDATE: see below, it doesn’t actually work.
Without the module block.
I am running Debian bookworm with the stable backport, which means the 6.6.13 kernel:
Linux angela 6.6.13+bpo-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 (2024-02-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux
The hid_sensor_als
is loaded:
anarcat@angela:~$ lsmod | grep ^hid_sensor
hid_sensor_als 16384 0
hid_sensor_trigger 20480 2 hid_sensor_als
hid_sensor_iio_common 20480 2 hid_sensor_trigger,hid_sensor_als
hid_sensor_hub 28672 3 hid_sensor_trigger,hid_sensor_iio_common,hid_sensor_als
and the buttons just work. I love when that happens.
I have no idea if the sensor stuff works, mind you, so I don’t actually know if the light detection part works now. That’s less an issue for me, but I actually would love to hook into that to configure brightness on my other monitors…