[SOLVED-GUIDE] 12th gen not sending XF86MonBrightnessUp / Down

Whoa. It works.

UPDATE: see below, it doesn’t actually work.

Without the module block.

I am running Debian bookworm with the stable backport, which means the 6.6.13 kernel:

Linux angela 6.6.13+bpo-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1 (2024-02-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux

The hid_sensor_als is loaded:

anarcat@angela:~$ lsmod | grep ^hid_sensor
hid_sensor_als         16384  0
hid_sensor_trigger     20480  2 hid_sensor_als
hid_sensor_iio_common    20480  2 hid_sensor_trigger,hid_sensor_als
hid_sensor_hub         28672  3 hid_sensor_trigger,hid_sensor_iio_common,hid_sensor_als

and the buttons just work. I love when that happens.

I have no idea if the sensor stuff works, mind you, so I don’t actually know if the light detection part works now. That’s less an issue for me, but I actually would love to hook into that to configure brightness on my other monitors…


Would be interesting to get to the bottom of this and see which commit fixed the Linux kernel regarding this issue.

Well, that’s a downer: it does not actually work. I must of forgotten something along the way (i did reboot, I swear) because right now nothing works, not even the fn lock stuff, it’s kind of infuriating.

Had @Loell_Framework test the 12th gen, generic install of Fedora, no module_blacklist=hid_sensor at all - brightness keys (the labeled brightness keys) worked out of the box upon installation.

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