[SOLVED] Hard freezes when disconnecting/reconnecting USB-C dongle carrying power, HDMI and mouse/keyboard

Hi my fellow Framework users,

just wanted to reach out to those of you using a USB-C dongle and a recent kernel (6.12 and later ideally), to ask if you are also facing the issue I described here:


Possibly amdgpu-related? @Mario_Limonciello FYI, if/when you have time, there are logs in that report (here for your convenience: https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/8459ef24af5c)


Try reverting Linux firmware from last week. There is a report of a regression in DMUB.

I can reproduce this on my FW16 (7840 without dGPU), also running the latest Tumbleweed. Kernel is 6.12.9-1-default
Once I unplug power from the Dell WD19DCS, the system tries to switch to the internal display only, but freezes. Upon replugging, it pulls 80W from the docking station but remains frozen. Haven’t tested accessing with SSH, should I?

It also happens when I just disconnect the USB connection at the notebook. This is new, must have been introduced sometime in the last week or two.

Now running a zypper dup, new kernel version 6.12.10 incoming…

I’m already on 6.12.10 and you’ll face the same :wink:

Gonna try to follow Mario’s advice

Hi Mario, thanks for the quick reply! :slight_smile:

My OS snapshots don’t go back in time enough, unfortunately. Can I just download and replace firmware binaries, by any chance?


Right, would also freeze with that one. Well, not completely, but the mouse cursor would move a little every couple seconds. SSH into the machine still works.

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Man, these are the situations where I wished I jumped on the immutable train…I’d checkout a previous system image/commit, rebasing of overlays would be done transparently and I wouldn’t need to worry about losing any of the system packages I might have installed meanwhile.

Snapper failed me this time (but that’s on me, as I don’t have enough history to revert).

If the rollback works please congregate there on that issue.

Worked for me, thanks - I commented the issue you linked

I’ll do nothing, just don’t unplug :slight_smile: Hopefully the issue will be resolved shortly, so a normal update will suffice.

The patch has landed in Tumbleweed. Disconnecting the docking station no longer causes a freeze.

Can confirm, it’s ok with the last update to the firmware package.

hello, I am having a very similar issue to this, with debian 12.9, can anyone advise on a fix?
my kernel version only appears to be