[SOLVED] How do I get an invoice/VAT receipt for the UK?

Hi, I am in the UK, we have purchased a couple of frameworks for our company and on the initial purchase (and order history on the website.) it states that VAT is included. However looking at the order confirmation emails thaqt we received, it says Taxes & Duties £0.00

Concerningly, the “commercial invoice” on the received package has the incorrect GBP values and no VAT numbers or information are displayed. Framework support tells me to print the order from the website but this also does not break down the VAT (says it’s included.) and does not include the VAT number.

I need to know if the appropriate taxes have been paid, as I won’t be happy if we receive a tax bill when Framework have told us that it is already included, but support can’t provide me a tax invoice for some bizarre reason.


My understanding is that there is no provision for business sales so no VAT.

February 15 2022 6:15pm

Framework does not currently offer businesses tax (or VAT) exemptions or tax (or VAT) exemption invoicing as we are focused on consumer sales at this time. Tax authorities have additional requirements and we don’t have the registrations required to legally process tax (or VAT) exemptions. Framework Support will be unable to assist in providing this documentation if asked.

So although you may have bought for a business they are considered personal sales.

Effectively Framework are not VAT registered for the UK they just cover the costs incurred by the couriers who would otherwise have charged import duties etc. which include VAT.

I wonder if you could ask the couriers as they paid the VAT

Not yet supporting business sales.

Volume ordering of Framework Laptops is on our roadmap, and we’re excited for the opportunity to be able to support businesses and organizations.

Thanks @amoun

My confusion lies on my order tracking where it says “VAT Included”

DPD (the courier.) have sent me a copy of the invoice they have for import, and it lists no taxes or import charges, I presume because they have already been paid (assuming by Framework or a partner.) however the invoice values on this are completely wrong for what we paid (showing around £400 more.).

We were in batch 8 though, which I am reading Framework got the commercial invoices wrong so DPD will also have these down wrong.

We have imported lots of items from the US & China and we’ve never had an issue like this before, seems very strange.

Yes my invoice, a Batch 8, was £500 more than I paid and there is topic/post about that.

Regarding other vendors. It does seem strange. It was initially only a US sales where taxes are local, offering to some other countries was done without regard to foreign taxes.

I know of someone who bought the laptop from the UK but via someone in the US. When it was imported from a friend they had to pay VAT via the courier. So the VAT included, now only means the courier shouldn’t hassle the recipient for money.

Here’s topic with a post highlighting the incorrect value.

Hello @Ian123,

The Commercial Invoices are only used for export/import at Customs and should not be used for any other purpose. As far as formal invoicing, @amoun is correct. Our focus is on consumer retail sales at this time and we are not VAT registered in some European countries (including the UK) at this time. If you simply need the amount of your purchase that was VAT, we can absolutely provide that in Support, but we cannot provide formal invoicing with VAT ID included as again, we are still working to obtain VAT registration by country and stand-up our B2B and business sales infrastructure. We’re working on some updates to standard retail receipts to include VAT paid for European countries, but beyond that, we’re going to have to ask for patience while we obtain the proper registrations for each country and build out the necessary infrastructure to support business purchases. Our customers should not be hassled in any way on import as we’ve taken care of all necessary fees. Yes, we had a issue when we initially launched in Europe (Batch 8) as our partner had incorrect values on Commercial Invoices which we corrected quickly.

We thank you for your patience as we’re already moving at a blistering pace for a small company. We’re less than a year into sales of our very first product and we’re dedicated to getting Framework Laptops into as many hands as we can globally.


I bought framework laptop in October; I was already considering this laptop due to the ethos of future upgradability and reduction of waste, I needed a small and light laptop as I wanted to be doing work whilst recuperating in hospital from a major surgery in November that came up on short notice.
I hurriedly specced out the laptop I wanted, saw it was ‘VAT included’, part of my decision was that it wasn’t overly priced compared to other laptops.
This week I am trying to download my VAT invoice for my accounts to reclaim the VAT, I stumble on this thread when I cannot find one, where I find that VAT isn’t included. If this originates in Taiwan without registration in the UK then this will be outside scope of VAT, and there should be absolutely no claims on VAT at all.
This is highly misleading so this laptop form a business perspective on cost alone shouldn’t be compared to a £1300 + VAT laptop bought from a UK registered shop, but rather against a £1560 + VAT laptop bought from a UK registered shop - if I had know that there was no VAT consideration at all then I probably would have shopped elsewhere despite the reduced waste potential of this laptop.

Yes it is not re-claimable, it is not a business purchase but a private one, so although VAT has been paid there is buyer access to that effect, although it should be mentioned on your original billing.

Well only if it was bought with that in mind, as stated on their website, so not misleading, although a business mind may mislead themselves :slight_smile:

@David_Hemmings VAT is included in the price and yes, Support can provide a VAT invoice as we are now VAT registered in the UK. If you need an invoice for tax purposes, please contact Support.

The above all stated, we still do not provide VAT exemptions, and business customers must work with their local tax authorities to attempt to claim VAT back as a business.

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I’ve updated our knowledge base article on this topic to be more inline with the current state.


Thanks for that, I have emailed support this morning.
Claiming VAT back will not be a problem - I am just tying off my end of quarter VAT return and will just be an equipment expense

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Hi @David_Hemmings,

Your ticket has been responded to and the invoice has been provided.

Have a great day!

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Just looking at buying a laptop from you guys. Can you now provide a VAT receipt for UK businesses?

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Is it possible to get UK VAT receipts now?

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I have a FW16 and I can go to the Framework web site and can click on “Download / Print Invoice” and I get a itemized list of the components. It includes a field for “VAT (included)”
and the VAT amount.
The totals are:
Subtotal: X
VAT (included): Y
Total: Z

But in the invoice the X and Z are identical, so its not a X + Y = Z. I.e. more what we are used to in the UK.
Its an Y is already included in Z and X.

So, the subtotal figure is the same as the Total.
So there is no “Total excluding VAT” figure.

Note I purchased it retail, not as a business. For retail, I think the UK law is the figures presented to the buyer need to include VAT (by default). Which is what the Invoice looks to have done for me.
For Businesses, they generally wish to see figures excluding VAT for each item in the invoice. That aspect is missing from my Invoice, but if you order it through the Business side of the web site, you may or may not get what you need.

Interestingly, their VAT calculation on their invoice is 1 pence more than it should be.
The VAT equation is : Total ex VAT(A) * 1.20 = Total inc VAT. (Z)
VAT is 20%.
I.e. Z / 1.20 == A (Total ex. VAT 20%)
Z - A should == Y, but it is one pence out.

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