[SOLVED] Order - i'm not being charged for the remaining amount due


Posting there because I’m not having any answer from support a week after posting my ticket:

My bank account isn’t being charged for the remaining amount due for my order (batch 9 AMD, should have been charged about a week ago). This is probably due to some customer protection on my side (I usually need to unlock payments I do on the internet through my bank app). Is there anything to do there (apart from hoping CS comes back to me) or should I just give up buying a laptop on prerorder?

I looked into other payment methods, but for me it’s just my debit card, as paypal isn’t an option.

Is a week long wait normal these days (new product or something, maybe CS is overwhelmed?) ?

Framework takes payment when they are ready to ship. Batch 9 payments are still be taken and shipped currently, so you should be fine. If there is any kind of issue Framework should send you an email, but contacting support isn’t a bad idea if something feels off. Just remember that support is very busy now, and that at the end of the day, your laptop is fine and will eventually get here.

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Not all of batch 9 has been charged yet. If you haven’t received an email from Framework that your payment failed, they just haven’t attempted to capture payment. If you receive such an email, it will give you an option to re-try the transaction once you approve it through your bank.


Thanks for the answers !