I watched a YouTube review of the Framework 16 from a channel called “Elevated Systems”. The guy showed how he assembled his Framework 16, and how he installed Windows and Linux on it. He had some seemingly valid criticisms like that he had a lot of trouble inserting the Expansion Bay Shell or that some of the spacers around the keyboard and trackpad did not line up well and had slightly different color shades. But he also made some strange criticisms like that the keyboard somehow wasn’t sized right because it had been reused from the Framework 13.
I posted this reply to his video: “The keyboard size criticism seems strange. If they made the keyboard bigger, then there would be no room for the numpad. I can understand criticism if the keyboard flexes. But the size of the keys should not really matter unless they were smaller than normal. I don’t understand why the keyboard not filling up the chassis is a concern. It is not like someone who buys the Framework 16 necessarily has much larger fingers and hands than a Framework 13 (or any other laptop) owner. Trackpad size criticism seems like nitpicking.”
He replied, “Well input surface ergonomics is to [sic] deep of a subject to debate here. But, needless to say it’s an entire science and many companies use consultants in the field to validate or help design their input surfaces. But to keep it simple, if they made the keyboard bigger, they also could have made the numpad smaller. Then it could have been proportionate to basically every other well designed 16” input surface out there, while still being modular. Reusing components rather than intelligently redesigning them was a cost saving measure pure and simple. Whether that is justified for a company of this size is another debate but from a purely consumer pov it’s subpar for a $2500+ laptop.”
I do not own a Framework 16, but I do own a Framework 13. Since he said they had the same size keyboards, I took a picture of my Framework 13 keyboard side-by-side the non-modular keyboard from my old 15" Dell laptop. The Framework 13’s keyboard is actually larger than the 15" Dell’s.
My response: " [@ElevatedSystems ]You listed the specs of the Framework 16 you reviewed. However, you did not mention that the $2500+ laptop you keep citing is NOT the cheapest Framework 16. Just saying over and over that it is a “$2500+ laptop” is kind of misleading. That is the configuration YOU selected.
I just configured a Framework 16 for $1,478. That does not include RAM, SSD, GPU, or ports. That is a nice thing about Framework. Especially if you already had a different Framework, you could move some parts from your old Framework. The DDR5 RAM is new to AMD Frameworks. The SSD and ports could be brought over.
I would not want a small numpad. My old 15 inch Dell with a non-modular keyboard and numpad has a keyboard which is actually SMALLER than the Framework 13’s keyboard. See a side-by-side photo of the two: PXL-20240225-015629064 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB So to blame the keyboard size on the fact that they reused the very functional keyboard from the Framework 13 is also misleading."
ElevatedSystem’s comment was very strange and inappropriate: “so I paid $2500 for a $1400 laptop and you paid $1400 for a $700 laptop. Mathematically speaking I made out better.”
ElevatedSystem clearly showed that he is biased, immature, and not at all concerned with the facts. I showed him a photo disproving his bizarre keyboard size critique. He just responded with blatant lies. If anyone from Framework reads this, do not send ElevatedSystem any review units. Not an honest reviewer.