Sub OS Level Remote Desktop or Wake on (W)LAN Support for Framework 16

Due to the weight of the Framework 16, I do not plan on taking it out of the house but rather remote into the laptop.

Does the Framework 16 support a sub OS level Remote Desktop Protocol such as AMD DASH (on the 7940HS) or is there some sort of BIOS controls to enable communicating to the computer over wifi?

I was wondering if there was a way to wake the laptop up from a shutdown state using WoL or if there was a way to control it using RDP without running the OS. I usually use Tailscale + Sunshine to stream my PC running Windows 11 Home (but I do have a Windows 11 Pro License for the Framework 16), but have had multiple instances where windows crashes and I cannot access my computer to restart it.

A Sub OS Level RDP would allow for restarting the computer when windows crashes and Sunshine no longer works.

If there is another software or hardware element (preferably under $100) that could enable WoL or Sub OS level RDP, please list them down below. Thanks!

You could possibly do it all with a PiKVM/Tinypilot. The only issue is you don’t have hardware power control (like a PiKVM does) to press power/reset buttons remotely.

You may need to wire up to the power button somehow or if there is an internal header for an external power button and wire it to the PiKVM ATX control signals.

Depending if you build it yourself, you may be able to hit your $100 budget. I’ve used a RP4 with a cheap USB-HDMI dongle and USB-C Splitter with good results.

A follow up question. Would a small desktop computer be an option for your use case rather than a laptop that is primarily stationary?

Yeah, that sounds way more reasonable for a stationary PC, unless you do need to take it with you sometimes. Even then it might make more sense to have a desktop and a smaller/weaker laptop instead.

I was considering a desktop, but I wanted at least some portability for when I am traveling.

I plan to use the Framework 16 for 3D Modeling and rendering and while a desktop may be faster, sometimes I am in places without a good network connection to remote into my pc and in these cases I would prefer to still be able to work on some projects.

A small laptop would be really slow for rendering so I still need a well performant laptop. I do not have the budget to purchase both a desktop and a performant laptop so I would prefer to just order the Framework 16 which I can easily upgrade down the line.

Yeah that makes more sense. Like I said, that only works if you don’t really need the power on the go.

Do you have a parts list for a setup using a pikvm/tinypilot?

As a last resort option I am considering purchasing another power button for the Framework that I can put next to a servo next to and use the raspberry pi to turn it till the arm presses the power button until the device shuts down.

Can the pikvm be used while the os is down or is it reliant on the os to show a display out?

Yes most definitely can be used independent of the host it is connected to,

As for parts/getting started:

I built one of them and was so impressed I bought a PiKVM V4 Mini. I have tailscale loaded onto the PiKVM device as well so I can access the interface from any computer/location

Does pikvm have an “immersive mode” where it allows the device connecting to the kvm to use it’s keyboard and mouse to directly interact with the host computer or do you have to use the virtual keyboard?

Also can the pikvm be used as a dummy display output so I can keep the display of the framework off while I am remoting into the laptop?

And lastly is there a way to “immersively” connect to the pikvm using an ipad with a keyboard and mouse which is my primary device on the go?

Yes when the webpage has focus, mouse and most keyboard input is sent directly with the host. The virtual keyboard is optional for most use cases.

Yes I find the PiKVM appears as a “monitor” to the OS so it always detects a display, at least on my computers. I switch off the built in display on a laptop and have it just output to the HDMI or I unplug any other displays on my desktops so there is only one “monitor” connected, the PiKVM. You don’t need to strictly do that, but I prefer not having to fight with multi-monitors when I am remoting in.

I think it does, I used to use an 11" iPad Pro with a keyboard case and it seemed to work fine, with Apple/mobile safari’s quirks aside.

Note I would rarely use this as the primary connection method as there is some latency with the HDMI capture. But to get a remote device booted back up or troubleshoot a bootloader or BIOS setting then use SSH, RDP or Moonlight to reconnect, it has been a game changer for my use case.

Are you allowed to set custom resolutions to the pikvm higher than the 1080p 60fps supported by the chip?

I know AMD’s Adrenaline software allows you to set custom gpu resolutions but they also have to be supported by the display output.

The 11” iPad Pro I use has a resolution of 2338x1668 so I want to have the pikvm to be set to this resolution and then when I connect with moonlight the displays will be the same size.

Unfortunately there don’t seem to be many higher than 1080p 60fps hdmi to csi adapters so will the pikvm still be able to act as a virtual display with a higher resolution than the adapter supports?

I think what you’re looking to do can be accomplished using the EC debug console. You just need to get access to it. Maybe something like this:
“EC Card 2”, a closed-case debugging (CCD) Expansion Card for the Framework Laptop :: HowettNET

@DHowett ^

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I’m trying to work out your thinking here. You say a 2.1kg laptop (well, 2.4kg with GPU if you are using that) is too heavy? Well, what are you going to use to network into it? That will need to be carried, and I don’t see it as being that much lighter.

You may be able to set a higher resolution which will be scaled/squished down to 1080p. This USB HDMI adapter says it supports above 1080p but may scale it down to 1080p, which for your use case wouldn’t matter.

He’s using an iPad by the sounds of it.

I am looking for a way to cold restart the Framework in the event that Windows crashes and I am unable to connect to the laptop to restart it. Would going into the EC Debug Console allow for restarting the computer in the event the OS has crashed, and does it support the newer ECs on the AMD Framework 16s?

Is the debug port for the Framework 16 also in the upper right corner?

Also these only seem to be prototypes so is there anywhere to purchase these EC debugging expansion cards?

Might be worth trying to install XCP-ng, if it will install you could full on control any guest os and get access through a web browser or RDP, etc… I just don’t know if it will install on the 16.

Same EC code base for 13 and 16. So yes same debug console available on both.

There is definitely a command that can be used to restart the system if it’s hung. I’ve used it in the past myself (but admittedly that was on a 13).

Do you have to DIY the EC debugging Expansion Card or is there anywhere online to purchase an expansion card? I would prefer to purchase it online rather than order the PCB and assemble it myself.

Also is there a model that uses a USB-C Port instead of Micro USB?