Terminal won't launch

Ubuntu 24.04
Most recent updates from updater.
Which BIOS version are you using? 13.05
Which Framework Laptop 13 model are you using? AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series

So ‘Terminal’ works at first. But at some point, it stops. The error is:
Non UTF-8 locale (ANSI_X3.4-1968) is not supported!

I don’t know how this is getting set or how to change it.

I can launch ‘xterm’ and ‘echo $LANG’ tells me en_US.UTF-8.

It was working fine when I was setting options, such as black background. Only when I reboot does it then fail.

I already tried reinstalling the OS once, and that gets it back, but then this error again.

OK, if I change my shell back (using ‘chsh’) to bash, and reboot, I can launch Terminal again. If I then type ‘tcsh’ it all goes fine. But if I change my shell to tcsh, after I reboot, Terminal will not launch.

I filed this interaction between tcsh & Terminal as a bug with Ubuntu via Launchpad.