Time not updating after sleep/shutdown

I have a Framework 13 DIY 1st gen.

Not sure when exactly it started, but every time I boot my laptop the clock settings are frozen from when I last shut down or put the laptop to sleep. So, for example, if I shut down on May 14 at 7:30pm, that’s precisely what the system will read the next time I open the lid or power on the laptop.

This causes havoc when I boot into Windows, because once the system clock gets too far out of whack from the real-world clock, the system time will not automatically sync with the NTP server.

I suspect this is due to the CMOS battery not charging properly, which has been a recurring issue with this laptop and has resulted in me having to plug it in to power it on. even if the primary battery is mostly charged.

What are some recommended troubleshooting steps? Resetting the CMOS? If so, how does one do that properly?

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