I can’t seem to change the resolution from the default (2256x1504 (3:2)) to 1600x1024 (3:2) on Pop!_OS. The screen goes black. Other resolutions work fine, even those with an aspect ratio other than 3:2. Different fractional scaling and HiDPI settings do not seem to change this. Pop!_OS uses the X11 windowing system, and I am on the latest version of everything as of writing.
Is anyone able to set their resolution to 1600x1024 (3:2) without issues?
By the way, the main reason I wanted to try this is because I have screen tearing or broken VSync or something like that when fractional scaling is used, and the 100% and 200% scaling options in the 2256x1504 (3:2) resolution are too small and too big, respectively.
Yeah, it’s not exactly 3:2, but that shouldn’t be an issue. There’s other resolutions also listed as 3:2 that aren’t exactly 3:2. These do work, but there’s small black bars at the top because they don’t meet the aspect radio exactly
After rebooting, I could select my resolution from Display Settings just like any other resolution. @Bonnefille_Vincent’s conf path didn’t work for me, so I used this one.
I’ve had no issues with Electron apps on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS with i7-1280P.
@TermoZour you just creat the file ! Am using Manjaro (Xfce)
Cool if no issues…
Me, with permanent (in my file location or yours), I have Vscode/Ellectrons emptys
Mentionning Intel as GPU
So I installed drivers and co
If I install xf86-intel-driver… and configure the 10-monitor.conf like I said here, the brightness button works (1.) but I have issues with Electrons Apps (2.) andd need --no-gpu flag on apps like vscodium :sad sad:
And related to the brightness keys issue, right after I installed my OS, I added blacklist hid-sensor-hub to /etc/modprobe.d/framework-als-blacklist.conf and then ran sudo update-initramfs -u and a reboot fixed it.
Same thing when I wanted to add my own custom resolution in 10-monitor.conf. Just create the file, reboot, go to Settings and set my resolution like any other.
If there’s any other config file that I can share, let me know. Maybe Manjaro is setting something that breaks things, something that Pop!_OS doesn’t do.
Hum, I dont know why…
But, finaly… doing a xrandr --output "eDP-1" --mode "1624x1080_60.00"…
stop the error, make my screen at the good resolution :
stop the pipe A error + laggy screen