[TRACKING] GNU Guix System on the Framework

@kjhoerr This is wonderful! Thank you for the update. I guess time to clear the clutter on my machine and make some space for GUIX and dual boot for a while.

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Did a guix pull and reconfigure today and the fprint issue rendered me unable to log in via GDM, just instantly kicks me back to the user select screen whenever I try to log in, even with fingerprint disabled in user settings.

I may run a liveusb to try sideloading the fprint db clear script I’ve seen floating around on these forums, but for now I just removed the fprintd-service-type spec in the config. I see from a mailing list there’s a new fprintd-configuration spec, but that hasn’t even reached the dev manual yet so not sure how to tweak it. If anyone else gets it working let me know.

I figured out you can use fwupdtool just fine, sees all the devices and can refresh and update. The problem is you can’t enable the lvfs-testing remote, since that only works via the fwupdmgr command. This problem will hopefully eventually become moot once Framework updates move to the stable remote.


@kjhoerr Regarding your config, would you mind helping me with the (xorg-config (extra-config)) form? I’m trying to get my touchpad to let me tap to click, but when I do, the display manager (I think it’s SLiM or GDM or whatever the default was when I installed i3) completely fails to load. It just gets to the black terminal login prompt and then hangs.

My config is located here: debian Pastezone , I’ve made some minor modifications after reading the arch wiki and trying to get help from the guix IRC channel, but with no luck on this part, unfortunately :frowning: So I was hoping someone else with a framework machine could help me get this fixed up. I’m on a 12th gen model, if it helps.

Thanks for any help you can spare, I greatly appreciate it.

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It’s difficult to find good examples of this, I end up spending a lot of time googling for “system.scm | config.scm” or something of the like just to see how people use it. Scheme definitely isn’t easy for beginners :upside_down_face:

I apologize that I’m reaching in the dark here, I’m more wayland only per my config. It looks like the service definition you’re using is a procedure, which I’m not very familiar with. Based on the documentation I think you should be able to do this:

		    (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)) gdm-service-type)) ;; or whichever display manager service-type 

           ;; This is the default list of services we
           ;; are appending to.

This is part of the set-xorg-configuration procedure definition.

Alternatively you could go the more traditional route using modify-services instead:

    (modify-services %desktop-services
		     (gdm-service-type config => (gdm-configuration
						   (inherit config)
		(extra-config '("Section \"Device\"
				Identifier \"Intel Graphics\"
				Driver \"intel\"
				Option \"AccelMethod\" \"sna\"

				"Section \"Device\"
				Identifier \"0x43\"
				Driver \"intel\"
				Option \"Backlight\" \"intel_backlight\"
				"Section \"InputClass\"
				Identifier \"Touchpads\"
				Driver \"libinput\"
				MatchIsTouchpad \"on\"
				Option \"DisableWhileTyping\" \"on\"
				Option \"Tapping\" \"on\"
				Option \"MiddleEmulation\" \"on\"
		    (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)))))

This is my current basic config, maybe you find it useful, its gnome+wayland, got some ideas from @kjhoerr config and others:


Non-update that may turn into an update: I picked up an Ath 9462 from ThinkPenguin and installed it in my 11th-gen. My NixOS install has reached a great point so I’m thinking about dual booting Guix and see if I can avoid using nonguix since I won’t have the iwlwifi driver module dependency and the ath drivers are blobless. Will post here if I make any progress.


This is an interesting thread, following. :slight_smile:

I’m using Guix System as my primary (only) OS on the Framework with the non-free kernel and firmware.

Almost everything works fine. Some things like iio-sensor-proxy are not packaged at the moment so the auto-brightness doesn’t work. The fingerprint daemon was buggy when I’ve created my config so I’ve disabled that. It might work now.


@Rick_Huijzer would you mind sharing your configuration?

@5uie1 I won’t mind but I’ve got to substitute a lot of private parts that might jeopardize my privacy. And without this (/etc/host rules, some employer specific proprietary packages, network mounts with my IPv4 in it) it’s almost the standard gnome config.

It’s also a bit cluttered with multiple inherit rules from a base configuration which is the same for all my machines so it might be a bit hard to read.

I’ve got a custom dwm config with all kinds of bells for my workstation, but it isn’t optimized for laptop use yet. I also want to transition to wayland so I probably will create a completely new config in the coming months. That one will be shared on my gitlab.

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Got Guix installed again and wrestled with my configs for a bit to get my Nix home-manager configuration and my pre-existing Guix config to work together. Had some trouble with my yubikey being seen by GPG for git and ssh but that’s fixed now. KeePassXC still won’t read it without sudo permissions. I’ve fiddled with the udev rules quite a bit by this point so I’m not sure what the issue is, and it’s an issue I’ve had before, in Guix specifically.

The Ath 9462 works pretty well even with linux-libre, all except for bluetooth with is universally nonfunctional for libre or requires some blobs to run, if I’m correct. It’s probably slower than the AX210 chips but for my day to day use it’s unnoticeable.

My Guix config for my framework laptop sits perpetually over here now if anyone wants to reference. Some of my fixes ended up being from my home-manager setup which is in the same repo.

I’ve gone LUKS-less this time. I can’t live without Secure Boot and TPM unlocking anymore :face_in_clouds: I may transition back to NixOS pretty quickly and just do a Guix VM. I want to try to get impermanence set up in Guix, but it’ll be a lot of work…


Managed to get wifi working on the Framework 13 AMD Ryzen 7040 but looks like the non-free kernel from nonguix doesn’t include the driver for RZ616/MT7922 adapter by default.

To add the required modules use a custom kernel based on linux-libre-6.6

(define-public linux-fw13
  (corrupt-linux linux-libre-6.6
                 #:name "linux-fw13"
                 #:configs '("CONFIG_MT7921E=m")))

then in the operating-system declaration…

 (kernel linux-fw13)

after reconfiguring the system, check if the module is available with modinfo mt7921e


You can switch back to nonguix’s plain linux kernel if you like, the patch enabling the driver has now been merged and doesn’t require any extra configuration.

I set (non)Guix up on my 13 AMD yesterday with GNOME and it’s running beautifully. The one sticking point is that shutdown and reboot actions don’t seem to work, as they cause the system to just hang on a blank cursor. But I’ve heard this is common on other Guix machines as well.

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sounds good. are you using any specific kernel-arguments or firmware declarations?

with 6.6 i needed to add this to get screen dimming and keyboard backlight working
(kernel-arguments '("modprobe.blacklist=hid_sensor_hub"))

…and this seems like overkill, but works (firmware (list linux-firmware))

my current system config can be found on gitlab

I went for the overkill option and am using (firmware (list linux-firmware)) too. Later I want to just limit it to the firmware the Framework needs, but figuring out which ones those are is very low priority for me right now.

As for kernel arguments, nothing special, just this one I saw on Arch Wiki about setting the wireless regulatory domain:


To be honest, I hadn’t even noticed that the Framework has a keyboard backlight until now, but it seems to be working for me without your kernel option.

I just upgraded to nonguix linux-6.7 (currently based on linux-libre-6.7.2) with the most recent linux-firmware and it looks like everything is working fine without any extra config options.

so the kernel options might be needed for earlier kernels but appear unnecessary now.

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It looks like this is caused by shepherd waiting indefinitely for a mt7921e kernel thread to end. It’s not very elegant, but you can shutdown or reboot with rmmod mt7921e && shutdown or some variation of that.

I just got my Framework 13 AMD and wrote up how I got Guix working, but it seems that as a new user I can’t post more than two links :slight_smile: Anyway I posted it on my blog instead: guix on the framework 13 amd — wingolog


I’m not sure which of the two actually fixed it, but shutdown actions work for me now on kernel version 6.8.6 and a Guix pulled/reconfigured today.