Ubuntu 22.04 on the Framework Laptop 16


The installation guide is available here: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Installation on the Framework Laptop 16 - Framework Guide


Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Released: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)


How do I get the Ubuntu installer to detect my expansion card? I’m trying to put Windows on my primary SSD, and keep Ubuntu on the 1TB expansion card.

How do you mean “expansion card” - I’m assuming the official one here? To install on the 1TB card, you need to boot from a third party boot USB, such as a USB stick (this is the way I did it). Write it as a bootable disk with a programme such as RPI imager or Balena etcher. Boot from this disk and NOT the windows one. The installer should allow the install onto your expansion card. I installed regatta.os on mine, which is a dedicated gaming platform, sadly it doesn’t come with any suitable graphics drivers - unlike Linux Mint which was almost OOTB.
Good luck.