Welcome! Please introduce yourself

Hi there!

I heard about the framework laptop from my husband as I wanted a laptop which was easy to repair and lightweight. Thus far this laptop has been a great purchase and enjoying being a part of this community.

Although I mainly use Windows for my OS at present, I’m starting to try out linux (Elementary OS has caught my eye).


Hi all. I’m a software engineer (formerly @canonical), author, and American ex-pat living in Canada. I pre-ordered a few days ago (batch 4), and looking forward to installing Ubuntu 20.10 on the Framework.


Hi! I work in IT as a L2 Tech for a bigger company and just like to fix\repurpose things so when I saw some Youtubers’ review i this laptop I knew it was time to finally buy a new laptop, been using old, second hand ones aside from one I got new in 2013 as my main computing needs were taken care of with my custom gaming rig. I have been loving this laptop and how Framework has been handling making a laptop that is actually designed to be fixed.


Hello there. I am a jack of all trades, master of none. I am tired of looking at laptops that make no sense to me. I run an hp g2 840 elite book that i spent 200$ on from amazon and i came here becuase the ltt store says they can not find a laptop as good as this one in that price range. I have some questions that i will ask later on but for now thank you for welcoming me. i am 28, male, and ready to see what you got.

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Hey, Canadian uni student here. My partner and I have always been interested in the future of eco-tech/reusability. I realized recently my current laptop only has a capacity of less than 30% its original charge, so started talking about getting a new one. Partner mentioned he’d heard about a new laptop that was really exciting for its repairability and customization options. As a Linux user (Ubuntu now, looking at Void or Gentoo as a switch, but am trying to install gentoo on a VM rn and hoo I think I might go with Void, Gentoo just doesn’t seem to want to work), I was tossing up between Lenovo and Framework. After realizing I could reuse some components from my current laptop, here we are.


Hello ! :wave:

First, sorry for my perhaps poor english writing skills, I’m don’t have the occasion to practice very often :sweat_smile:

I’m a french computer science student. I have discover framework with the video of LTT some weeks ago. I love this kind of project driven by its community and I think open hardware should become a important feature of tomorrow’s devices. I’m here to follow the project closely and maybe bring some ideas with me


I am a soon-to-be computer systems engineering major (specializing in AI and robotics), I learned about framework from Googling “Nirav Patel” after having read “The History of the Future,” which chronicled the beginnings of Oculus and @nrp’s time there (highly recommend). Seeing YouTube become a viable VC platform gave me the confidence to commit to the long-term viability of the company and resolve to purchase the laptop that I have earnestly supported but couldn’t pull the trigger on responsibly.
If you’re in that boat right now, please realize that was and is faulty logic: Framework won’t succeed if their target audience waits for them to succeed and expand before they’ll support them. If you’re on the fence for reasons other than your own financials, please seriously consider this before deciding whether to walk away. Even if Framework folds and you lose the opportunity to upgrade components like the mainboard, you’ll still have the most upgradeable and therefore long-lasting, and therefore affordable (cost/time avg.) laptop ever available. That’s worth a lot in my book.

(Sorry, brevity is not my thing. Severe ADHD.)

Enough evangelizing; I’m supposed to be introducing myself, not Framework. I suppose I’m too much of a ‘Blue Shirt’ at heart, lol.

I was introduced to Python programming by my dad when I was eight, and have been learning the language on and off since then (a lot more recently). My best friend got me into PC building when we were twelve, which led me to watch every Nvidia keynote since 2015, and consequently become very interested in AI and the future that industry would create, which led me to choose a very specific educational path and to set the goal of obtaining my Ph.D. at age 25.

Now that I’m about to set out on that path (moving to attend school next summer), I’m just overwhelmingly grateful for the past couple of years. Grateful to have had great high school memories and participate in great programs like FBLA and my IT internship; that my dad lost his super-stable job at the onset of Covid and that we were forced to move from the only city I’ve ever really known and come to upstate NY; that I was able to develop habits and skills and to tinker with workflows in ways I couldn’t in more constrained circumstances; that I’m in a position to move back to Phoenix and gain a great education and that I love learning; that I have an illness (Cystic Fibrosis) that gives me motivation and perspective in life; that I have the ability to learn quickly and opportunities to learn and utilize new or interesting tech like 3D modeling and printing, which allow me to realize my ideas, as well as Linux, that gives me complete control over all these computing experiences on the software side, and Framework, who do the same on the hardware side. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I’m glad to live in a time and circumstance and world where Framework exists, where so much computing can be done for free online that even AI students like me can choose a thin-and-light like theirs and that I’m especially grateful that we have economic systems in place that allow brilliant people like Nirav and others to build a team, product, and company for people like us, even in a catastrophic global disaster, and I hope it becomes something much bigger than just this community here now.

Thank You, @Framework, you bring me so much hope, and your timing couldn’t have been better.


Illinois attorney. Just placed order. I was going to buy a System76 but have to put my money where my mouth is so ordered the DIY and will install Linux. I don’t have a lot of control over my professional tech, but in my personal life… my choice. Cheers


A photographer and enthusiast who just wants to help make the world of tech a little more fair, 1 unoriginal post at a time.


Hi, I’m an electrical engineering undergrad who came across this when LTT covered it. I’m looking to get into HSDE and electronics design and fabrication. The open-book nature of the Framework really hit the sweet spot for me!

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Hello! Cyber Security Engineer here… Living in the shinny country of Switzerland… Bought a Framework laptop to support this wonderful project and also to stop spending money and throwing laptops out… Hope Framework stays a viable project and that actually grows up so we can all reduce our footprint in terms of tech materials we throw out that are still good to be used.


Hi, My name is Eric. I’m a UEFI engineer from Taiwan. The idea of Framework for laptops is really interesting to me. Free to update their own laptop easily just like PC does. Looking forward to seeing Framework success in the market!


Wow. Unsung hero; Thank You!

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Hey, my name is Christopher. I’m a tech/programming enthusiast so I was absolutely sold when I heard about this project. The potential thought of never having to buy another laptop once I get this thing is astounding. To keep the existing shell and just maintain the components over time when they fail sounds absolutely bold in today’s environment. I applaud Framework for what they are doing.


Hey, my name is Zach and I am from Virginia (US). I studied computer engineering, computer science, and physics. I spent six years in the automotive industry doing systems engineering and test automation. The past three years, I’ve been doing workflow and test automation as well as cloud infrastructure for a major blockchain company. I found out about Framework from Linus Tech Tips in July and decided to vote with my wallet for the type of world I want to live in, one where consumers actually own their tech and products last because they are repairable! This is the first laptop I’ve bought since 2013, and the fist one that has interested me since ultrabooks came out. I’ve been using Linux as my daily driver for five years now. Mint is my favorite distro so far, but I am looking forward to trying Arch for the first time on my new Framework. I hope I can contribute something to the community.


Hey, I’m Nicolay, a software engineer from Canada, a technology enthusiast, a Canada Computers graduate, an avid cyclist and a long, long-time personal and professional Linux user.

The laundry list of things that made me order a Framework Laptop is so long that there’s no point enumerating it. Instead I’d rather say that the vision and possibilities for this project are so large and so important that I had no choice but to support it financially and otherwise. We see you and we hope you’re in it for real. In fact I’d go as far as saying that if you fail to make this a profitable enterprise over the medium term, you should consider turning it into a non-profit foundation, paying yourself what you think you deserve for the work you do and adjusting prices accordingly. I think many people would keep buying this so long as you keep putting in the work in it. Please keep it up and please don’t fuck it up! :grin:


-Hi I’m Brandon - IT Architect & Service Integrator. The biggest thing that interested me in Framework is the reparability, the mission they’re on and the design. First heard about it recently from LTT (Linus) and how excited he was about the laptop… I’ve always enjoyed tinkering with tech so this was exciting enough that I ordered the DIY edition and am patiently waiting for November.


Hello, I’m Knox. Not sure how I’d characterize my use of computers as a hobby but I try to use them efficiently where I can.

I first learned about Framework when it was mentioned on Louis Rossmann’s YouTube channel. I heard his comments, looked into it myself, and really favored the concept of a serviceable laptop where you don’t even have to buy a new laptop. (I also liked the idea of QR codes on every part that I thought of a few ideas to use them with stuff)

This is my first time going into some sort of computer community, so I hope I can learn some stuff without feeling too intimidated. I really like what’s been going on with Framework the past few months, and hopefully this is around to stay.


im a content creator, although i don’t see myself using framework for that. im interested in a framework laptop because my gaming laptop suffers from battery, thermal, and noise issues. i don’t always need gaming performance, so dealing with these drawbacks just to watch YouTube is annoying. i often upgrade my hardware to keep up with my needs, so i belive framework is a great long term option.


Hi, I’m Colin. I’m a web developer and general tech enthusiast. I originally found out about the Framework through Linus, and decided to buy after watching Louis Rossmans “First look” video.

Unfortunately I wont be using my Framework for work, it’ll instead be my general purpose/tinkering laptop. I really believe in Frameworks vision and I’m excited to see what the future holds. :slight_smile: