Zoom out Windows


I have a Windows 11 on my framework 13. I can zoom in with Ctrl + “+” but when I want to zoom out with Ctrl + “-” it’s impossible. I have tried a multitude of combinations but nothing works. Could you give me the shortcut to zoom out on the framework?


Zooming out is not Laptop, but program specific. Therefore Ctrl + “-” is always the shortcut for zooming out, if the program you are using supports it.
There are two possible cause that spontaneously come to my mind for your Issus:

  • Your Windows language setting does not match your keyboard layout.
  • The Programm shortcut for zooming out is set to something else

To such a degree that my Raspberry pi with a Cherry keyboard does work that way.

So does it not work on any application or just some?

I did notice a discrepancy on my Win 11 on an app or two, so will try and find them.

My Win11 on Gen 11

  • Firefox is fine including showing PDFs
  • Openoffice Presentations: [+] > Nothing [-] > closes to edit

HI @TiKay,

Thanks for your reply. I have a FRENCH AZERTY keyboard…
For example now i can’t zoom out Obsidian and can’t work correctly

Thanks for your reply.

It is general. On brave i can do Ctrl + “+” to zoom in but Ctrl + “-” to zoom out doesnt work. Same for Obsidian and other app.

MAJ : I found Ctrl + “0” command

I have same issue, ctrl + 0 is just reset zoom command, not minus. Did you find an other solution ? ( it is shame to switch to qwerty each time to do this…)

Hi and welcome to the forum.

The short keystrokes are application/programme specific as previously mentioned

Using Firefox currently

ctrl | plus = zoom in
ctrl | minus = zoom out
ctrl | zero = reset to Firefox default

So what programme are using that you cannot find the wanted shortcut keys

It doesn’t work with the azerty french keyboard layout. With windows 10 it worked with ctrl + 6 and ctrl+shit++.
The issue is of course when you do not have numpad with + and - dedicated key. on Azerty keybord, + is above the = key, next to backspace ( need to shift it if you want to keyin +, but strangely not needed to shift for the zoom command) and - is below 6 key, ctrl± doesnt work, nor ctrl+shift+6 …

As mentioned it is application specific and you still haven’t said what you are using.

For example

  • Open Office doesn’t work Firefox
  • It doesn’t work for the videos I stream
  • It does work for Microsoft Paint on my Win 11
  • It doesn’t work for File explorer

I’ll see if I can get the ‘azerty french keyboard layout’ into focus to see the problem, but would be helpoful to know which app you are using

it is in all app that use ctrl + and ctrl - to change zoom level ( notepad, shell, excel, firefox, chrome …).
I have found a workaround after some time diging …
So putting the solution here for other french users :slight_smile:

  • install powertoys ( in cmd : winget install microsoft.powertoys )
  • in powertoy / keybord manager , remap shortcut, ctrl(left) + ° to ctrl(left) + -(substract).
    It is working because it is remaping the °) key to the minus key from the unexistant numpad…
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I once had a netbook with a keyboard where you could use the Fn key with various other keys to type all the numpad keys that weren’t actually present. For example I could type a degree symbol by holding ALT while typing 248 on the numpad keys. Can’t do it on most no numpad laptops. I could press numpad asterisk in Device Manager to fully expand the device tree. Again, can’t do it in most no numpad laptops. I wish the idea was used on all keyboards that have no numpad.