Welcome to the community, no worries at all I’ll try to provide some sources!
First of all, this is all guess-work based on facts so try to not take everything seriously, or better take your own conclusions out of my sources
The new keyboard skews.
Framework has made a forum post to ask the community for keyboard Q/C so they don’t get anything wrong.
Source 1: Request: Review of Italian, Spanish (Spain), and Chinese (Traditional) keyboards
Source 2: Request: Review of Korean, Belgian, Japanese, and Latin American keyboards
Spinning up
Unlike what we’ve seen in the first 2 years, the company seems te be coming out with products way faster than before. They developed and sold out of ethernet expansion cards, launched the Chromebook Edition, partnered with Blue Tide, moved into a new office and probably more behind the scenes! They’re also hiring new people.
Source 1 (New office): https://twitter.com/FrameworkPuter/status/1570203352071536641
Source 2 (Sold out): https://twitter.com/FrameworkPuter/status/1569859445991292928
Source 3 (Blue Tide): https://twitter.com/FrameworkPuter/status/1564345689840111616
Source 4 (Chromebook Ed.): Framework | Introducing the Framework Laptop Chromebook Edition
Source 5 (New hire): The two Firmware Engineer roles have been filled? - #11 by nrp
Source 6 (Broadening shipping locations): Framework | Manufacturing starts on the new Framework Laptop in Taiwan
We haven’t really seen what time it took between planning and roll-out but if we base ourselves of the Australian release I’d guess Q1 2023? Maybe if we’re lucky they’ll allow pre-ordering in the holiday season, although they would need a lot of stock to do this, so I’m guessing that’s not going to happen.
However, we’re talking like months, maybe one year? - Q1 -Q2 2023 is my presumption.
Source 1: Now available for pre-order in Australia
Maybe we’ll get 13th gen or an AMD or ARM version by then? (I would absolutely love an ARM version)
Hope this helps!