[RESPONDED] HDMI display limited to 640x480 on AMD Ryzen 7040

I found a workaround. When I tried before to override the EDID, it did not work because override EDID is only applied when the monitor is replugged.


The workaround is as follows as root:

cat/path/to/your.edid >/sys/kernel/debug/dri/1/DP-2/edid_override
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/dri/1/DP-2/trigger_hotplug

changing DP-2 depending on where you plugged the monitor.

There is also a trick to enable it on boot via the kernel command-line, but I prefer to keep the control of that.

I’ll have to see if in another computer I have this EDID error in dmesg too. To know if it comes from the monitor which got a corrupted EDID or if is a problem with the GPU driver.