Windows Update 24H2 Issue - Docking station and external USB device problems

We have 2 Framework 16s running Windows 11 Pro. We recently update to 24H2 and have had some issues come up. The one that is the most frustrating is that the update seems to have broken the ability to use an external dock. With these two units we have duplicated the problem with the same symptoms/failure. None of the fixes we tried have corrected the problem.

When using any docking station (we have tried 3 different brands with all the same result) the following happens:

  1. The system task try in the bottom right corner with the battery/audio/network goes blank. It is no longer accessible.
  2. The microphone and speaker disappear from the device altogether. Apps no longer see either of them as being connected.
  3. The system runs unbearably slow. It feels like the system is bogged down with apps running in the background but nothing is running.

What have we tried that hasn’t done a thing:

  1. Bios settings reset (per frameworks recommendation)
  2. Running the newest versions of the Drive Pack on the Framework website
  3. Running the newest Bios update from the Framework website
  4. A full reinstall of windows 11 from scratch

If we connect any dock the symptoms come back. If you remove the dock, it doesn’t fix anything. You need to remove the dock and reboot and then the device returns to normal.

Right now, we have the monitors running directly into the Framework Laptop and it works fine. This is a fine workaround for now but it appears that any dock/hub we connect will cause the system to crash basically.

Is anyone else seeing this?


I am suffering from the exact same problem since updating to Windows 24H2 however sometimes it works with the dockingstation only every now and then after disconnecting and reconnecting the issue occurs. I have deactived AMD Audio CoProcessor for now since maybe this is related.

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So you disabled the AMD Audio CoProcessor first and now it works…sometimes?

Just commenting to say that I’m having the same problem, but not with a docking station - any time I plug accessories into any of the ports, this task bar and black screen issue comes up after a short period of work. I also tried updating BIOS/driver, restarting everything, etc. I think I’m just going to restore back to before the update because I can’t keep having this interruption! Let me know if someone finds a solution.

We have confirmed that deactivating the AMD Audio CoProcessor provides some relief. Its not perfect but this is what we have now after disabling the above device in device manager:

If you boot the device with the dock or external audio device connected the errors show up and there are problems.

If you boot the device and login to windows with NOTHING attached, you can then connect the dock or external device and it works.

This appears to be a driver issue with AMDs Audio drivers / software. Not sure how we quickly AMD will roll out a fix for this and Im not sure if its affecting other AMD builds.


Also commenting here to note that I am experiencing a similar issue (blank battery/audio/network, frozen video playback, and eventual browser crash or system unresponsiveness) on my AMD FW13 with a new windows 11 pro license.
This is when connected to an external usb c dock. When undocked on a fresh restart, no issues occur until the laptop is docked.

I haven’t tried disabling the AMD coprocessor yet but I have tried several pc resets and reinstalls.

I will note that the machine has been working on a 24.04 Ubuntu install on another ssd for the last few months (and I am installing a new 24.04 partition right now).

Thanks for starting up this thread because I was going crazy wondering what Windows was doing!

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Try the CoProcessor and report back. We confirmed it resolved the issue on both devices so far. I have a 3rd user with one but he is on leave so I can’t test his yet.

I wonder if AMD is working on this?

Thanks for the reminder, John. I disabled the CoProcessor in the device manager and the fix seems to have resolved the issue when (1) undocked and then docked and (2) when already docked on boot. Albeit this is with a small sample size of two times so it might rear its head again later.

Wanted to chime in that I’m also having this issue. One thing that would trigger all sorts of issues right away was playing some kind of video. The video would never start and eventually my entire browser (Firefox) would crash.

I also had quite a few of the symptoms that the OP in this reddit thread talks about

The good news is that disabling the AMD Audio CoProcessor does seem to help but this still definitely needs some attention from AMD and/or Framework

Finally came across this thread. I updated to 24H2 back when it first came out and had to completely wipe my machine then. Figured it was better when it offered to install again a few days ago, but as before had to wipe my machine again.

Even after a fresh install directly to 24H2, I still had tons of problems until I just now disabled the AMD Audio CoProcessor. I really love my FW16, but the firmware/patch updates definitely seem few and far between😬


I am experiencing the same issues with my docking setup (a Dell monitor with USB-C PD). Everything was working fine before the 24H2 update.

Here are the problems I’m facing:

  • Laggy system performance while docked
  • System Panel in the bottom right corner completely empty
  • No video playback
  • Blank screen during startup or shutdown
  • Chrome and Firefox crashing

I saw in another thread that there is a Windows 11 driver bundle update from October 2024. I installed it, but unfortunately, it made no difference.

I’m planning to try disabling the CoProcessor to see if it helps mitigate these issues, as they make my setup almost unusable.

EDIT: I noticed after posting that this discussion is about the FW16. I’m actually facing these issues on my AMD FW13. This might help narrow it down as a driver issue.

EDIT2: Yes, disabling AMD Audio CoProcessor seems to fix the several issues.


I’m also experiencing massive problems whit a brandnew FW13 Ryzen 7840 while connected to an USB Type C Screen. Fresh Windows 11 24H2 installation with driver bundle from october 2024. Still investigating. Its the first Framework Laptop in our company and I’m not able to work…

Edit: Problems seem to be gone with AMD Audio CoProcessor disabled

Good post and thanks for the follow-up. I realize this is an AMD issue but I wonder if we have anyone from Framework reading this that can speak to any communication they have had with AMD regarding this issue.

I am having excatly the same issue. Had to rewind from 24H2 to 23H2 and the issue went away. Need a Framework / AMD solution before I will attempt 24H2 again!!!

I am experiencing the similar issues as described above on a Framework 13 AMD.

  • Slow system performance / lag
  • Windows taskbar ocassionally disappears
  • Webcam and audio device connected to my dock are not recognised and subsequently the laptop webcam and speaks are then also not showing
  • Microsoft Teams becomes particularly laggy and certain menus do not show
  • Firefox frequent crashing
  • When restarting screen with stay black with power button illuminated for up to 5 minutes because completing the shutdown and then powering on again

Will try disabling the AMD Audio CoProcessor as others have suggested above. However, I’m less familiar with this process and I’ve already wasted a lot of time getting to this point.

In general, I’m very happy with by Framework 13 but this has significantly affected my likelihood to recommend Framework to friends, family and colleagues, especially those less tech savy than me.


Just wanted to say thanks for this workaround, I’ve been fighting with this for the last few days. Disabling the Audio CoProcessor, fixed the issues on a few framework 13s we had upgraded to 24h2.

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Same issue here – very sluggish, no camera/microphone recognized during video calling. Disabling AMD Audio CoProcessor appears to have resolved symptoms for the time being. It would be good to see some engagement on this, as others have noted, for such a major and ongoing issue affecting at least a dozen known users.

Potentially related topics:

I am suffering from the same problem. Wiped and reinstalled windows without knowing it had something to do with my USB4 dock. Any updates yet?

For our 3 users we haven’t seen any AMD notices or Framework posts on a fix. The last visible audio driver related to this was in July. Unless someone else has found anything we still don’t have a fix outside of disabling the device.